Thursday, January 19, 2023

Body-Mind and Spirit Dance | Dance to Solus Dominus


Dance to The Master Solus Dominus | Peace, Love, Happiness and Light

Continue The Dancing Spiritual Portal

Materialism and Being Completely Immersed in Physical Gratification

Materialism and Being Completely Immersed  in Physical Gratification should be huge red flags.

Questions, Everyone has the right to ask questions, at least currently in the United States.

Do you think that a "guru" or "spiritual master", etc. would allow extreme materialism in their organization ? People walking around with assault rifles in their compound / commune? 93 of the most expensive cars on the planet, 12 cylinder gas guzzlers. Sex with basically every female member of their organization. 

I don't personally know this person, but what is plastered all over the internet, is that "Osho" is a sex cult that was huge in the 1980's until he was deported, but is still in "business" ...members were filmed in his compound with assault rifles, and they had sessions where both males and females went into a room and the males were beating the shit out of the females until they were too tired to punch them any more...does this sound like a "peace and love" environment, or a very disturbing cult ? 

Those were the internet stories are, and you are free to give me your opinions and comments. I do not promote or endorse any of these actions, Whether it is true or not for someone else. You cannot be a Spiritually Enlightened person , If and when you continue to indulge in materialism and the physical-level lifestyle. 

Please The Master Through Dance

Please The Master Through Dance Which Is Your Freestyle Manifestation of Movement

The One True Enlightened Master Requires Spiritual Submission Dances

 The free form dances of the human female manifestation invoke "branch" enlightenment of your initial Spiritual Enlightenment. You are not required to dance at the level of this belly dancer. It is free form, and you can never be truly free in form without being naked. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Master Requires Free Form Dancing as One of the Essential Forms of Worship

You can never truly practice free form, The Dance of Worship unless you have given up the conformity of clothing and dance naked. You do not have to dance on the level of anyone else. It is Free form, and it is Freeing your Spirit. 

Dance For Solus Dominus, The One True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment

One Lesson For Freeing Your Spirit is to Dance Before The Master Freestyle and Nude

Is This Attire and Dance Intriguing to You ? Gnosticism Has Many Spiritual Rituals and Protocol

Are You Called to Serve an Enlightened Master ? Gnostic Master ? Spiritual BDSM Master ?


Are You Called to Serve a Christian Master ? Gnostic Master ? Master of Spiritual Enlightenment ? Spiritual BDSM Master ? All of the Above...

If you are a Christian female ( even if you are a white female Christian ), called by God to be with The Spiritual BDSM Master ( which includes Spiritual Enlightenment ), Then it is not optional to move ( take action ), on that calling
and start your service to Master after you are trained and collared. Master has been called to be the One and Only Master ( teacher ), and Prophet. No "sales pitch", you are either called or you are not. Pray before you message.
*** This is NOT how a wife / LTR partner was chosen in Biblical times. No matter
how beautiful you are, how intelligent, you were considered nothing more than a piece of property, to be purchased like cattle. Why was the woman created by God ? To serve one man, to be his helper. It was not to be "actualized" or any other modern-day feminist nonsense. If you would like to be "actualized" God's way, and live at your role, "know your place, and be happy being there". For the last 6,000 years, there was no reason to label a relationship marriage as Master / slave, because men were men, and there basically no other type of relationship. For our arrogant, pagan society to try to destroy, or at least greatly modify these roles in the last 50 years...Wow !, we are going down the wrong path, to say the least.

  Females wear head covering, but not have their face covered , and wear their hair long and do not cut it. Females also wear collars of various types, with various meanings and ranks.

Peace & Love: Peace & Love Reign Supreme In My New Society by Solus Dominus

Peace & Love: Peace & Love Reign Supreme In My New Society Paperback Journal – January 15, 2023

Ask The True Master About Supernatural ( Spiritual Realm ) Women's Self-Defense


The Intrigue of the Puerto Rican Woman

Ask The True Master About Supernatural ( Spiritual Realm ) Women's Self-Defense


The Intrigue of the Puerto Rican Woman

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Echo Yue! Maybe Asian Marital Art, But Not Martial Arts

                                             Spiritual BDSM and Spiritual Community

I am also seeking a “successor to the throne” ( what throne ? )
The successor, basically to everything that I know about self-defense and
knife-defense, fitness, weight-training, and many more topics. If the prospect
successor has a strong interest in the supernatural, then I will also include that
area of my training.
When was the last time you tested your determination? You will never know what
you will do in a certain situation. The same is true of your opponent, no matter
how confident he appears. Many who thought that they were the worlds deadliest
man” laid down when faced with truth adversity!
Mental ( mind-set ) is a huge aspect of knife-defense, and this brief paragraph
doesn't even start
to cover the topic.
It is a very advanced aspect of the comprehensive training that I offer, and it
comes with the label of Super Natural Self-Defense. Don't pass over this last
statement, Super Natural Self-Defense can mean the difference between life and
death, and it can also affect your afterlife.
Most people are intimidated if they are confronted when they're alone. Remember,
the first characteristic of a punk is the need for friends to back him up. Certain
groups are notorious for this weakness. The second characteristic of a punk is
seeing how far he can push you without any real intention of going one-on-one
with you, i.e., Seeing what he can get away with. The third characteristic of a punk
is , “conversation” after he realizes that he has bitten more than he can chew.

This is One of The Few Asian Non-Martial Forms That Are Truly ART

 This is One of The Few Asian Non-Martial Forms That Are Truly ART. Incredible Views of Echo.

Reality Based Self-Defense is Nothing More Than What I Have Been Saying For Decades

 Reality Based Self-Defense is Nothing More Than What I Have Been Saying For Decades, which is completely eliminate any attachment to the Asian Martial Arts, and especially Traditional Asian Martial Arts.   ( traama ) , and trying to use traama while being physically attacked in the street would definite cause YOU trauma.

I know that labels aren't very important, but Reality-Based Self-Defense Transitioned from the original Practical Self-Defense era of the 60's -70's-80's ...What was the main reason for the transition ? Usually people put labels on things, people, techniques, etc. to establish an income generating agenda...not always, but many times this is a true statement. 

Wasting your time practicing "Flying through the air" is fantasy, ludicrous bullshit.
The image and the video below are my versions of Asian Non-Martial, works of ART Reality Defense Training for Women Journal Paperback by Don Pentecost

Reality-Based Women's Self-defense . Reality Based Self-Defense JOURNAL , Not an 

Instruction book. The only way for women to receive instruction is in-person private lessons,

or through my book that is sold only through Amazon. 

Reality Based Self-Defense JOURNAL , Not an Instruction book. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

Peace and Love Reigns Supreme Through One True Master, Solus Dominus


I think that you already know that a Great Commune, Co-Op Community, Can be Anywhere, Including The Beach, or Mountains. It is the Communal and Alternative Family Mind-Set of the Members, Not a piece of Property.The One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

The co-op community starts in 2023, but training is available now...8 steps to Heaven guaranteed !!! infinite spiritual dimensions, spiritual travel @ the speed of light. Many are called, but few are chosen...There is no doubt that Solus Dominus and the Freedom Commune will expand, but the question is, where will you be ?

Be very careful of New Age Gurus...Money, and Everything that is actually on a PHYSICAL-level, while at the same time they are trying to promote to their followers that they know "the secret" to all things related to Spiritual Enlightenment, Awakening, Law of Attraction, New Thought,'s a New Age melting pot, Everyone and their cousin is Prophet, Guru, Shaman, Master, etc.etc. When in reality, none of them are any of those things. It is the "spiritual blind leading the blind"...There are people who are supposedly spiritual gurus, key word "spiritual" , but they seek after lavish, extremely expensive Material Things. Can't have both, you are either in the Material or the Spiritual and Spiritual does not mean to Act Pious, to Act "Holy" while at the same time, they have a much different agenda.

If you really viewed a pretty young woman walking around in nature topless, or even completely nude, in the safety of the commune, and the reality of what it really is from a spiritually enlightened viewpoint, you would see it as an element of Truth and Light, and there is nothing negative about it. Peace and Love.