Tuesday, March 26, 2024

You Could Be an Extremely Valuable Asset to World Peace | #spiritual #enlightenment

 Just by the offering of a spare bedroom in your home, You could change the course

of history, in a very positive way. World Peace and YOUR personal spiritual  

enlightenment is attainable ONLY through the True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus.


We need to communicate. Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus, needs a 

room(s) in your home, to be able to expand the spiritual movement.

This is not sex-related, But companionship is definitely an asset for

a positive environment. Master has no pets, does not drink or do any

type of drug. ***the photo of this woman has nothing to do with the

post, so please do not contact me, thinking that you are connecting with

this woman. 

I have a residence and a car, Both of which I am selling, which will be used

for necessary expenses to promote this spiritual movement. I will pay for

the additional auto insurance needed, But I will also need the use of your

car, or a 2nd used car that is reliable ( doesn't matter what it looks like )

This is another option. I do have "seed money" to plant for the promotion 

of the greatest spiritual movement in history. Very reasonable room rental 

Cost to house a student / follower. 

Donate The Use of an Empty Bedroom For The Greatest Spiritual Movement


We need to communicate. Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus, needs a 

room(s) in your home, to be able to expand the spiritual movement.

This is not sex-related, But companionship is definitely an asset for

a positive environment. Master has no pets, does not drink or do any

type of drug. ***the photo of this woman has nothing to do with the

post, so please do not contact me, thinking that you are connecting with

this woman. 

I have a residence and a car, Both of which I am selling, which will be used

for necessary expenses to promote this spiritual movement. I will pay for

the additional auto insurance needed, But I will also need the use of your

car, or a 2nd used car that is reliable ( doesn't matter what it looks like )

This is another option. I do have "seed money" to plant for the promotion 

of the greatest spiritual movement in history. Very reasonable room rental 

Cost to house a student / follower. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Share Your Home With Master And Attain Enlightenment and Receive a Special Blessing



You will receive a special blessing in the afterlife, Because you have assisted in a very important way, for expansion of the Master's Spiritual Movement, by opening your home to the Master, Solus Dominus.

"You have opened the door into the infinite—Science must enter. It may hesitate; it may engage in controversy, but it cannot afford to ignore the principles you have established which eventually will revolutionize man's concept of himself, his world, his universe, and his human problems.

"You have done for us in this Twentieth Century what Ptolemy, Euclid, Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler did for their earlier centuries. But you have further penetrated all physical barriers and extended your discoveries into definite forms of the infinite law which created our universe and keeps it in operation with mathematical precision through the millions of years."

Monday, March 18, 2024

Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment Through The Goddess Serpens Mulier


You should start with a foundation of nudity ( promoting a humble mind-set ), and through 

the teachings of the Goddess Serpens Mulier and the Master Solus Dominus, You can attain 

True Spiritual Enlightenment.


Man conceives life as spontaneously generated in matter at favorable temperatures and under favorable conditions.

Such concepts are not true concepts.

In searching for the life principle man is attempting to discover something corresponding to a germ which quickens lifeless matter.

Life is not a germ and no matter is lifeless.

Life is in and of all things from the beginning, always and forever.

Life has no beginning. Life has no ending.

Life is eternal.

Life is in and of all inorganic as well as all organic matter.

Life is in and of all of the elements and the atoms of the elements and the compounds of the elements.

Life is in and of the sun of the atom, the planets of the atom and the heavens surrounding the universe of the atom.

Life is the effect produced on the substance of Mind by the sequence of alternating electromagnetic pulsations which constitute the process of thinking. The progress of this effect is registered in integrating light and manifests itself in that orderly periodic phenomenon inherent in all matter and all things which man calls "growth."

All "growing" things are imbued with the life principle.

All things are "growing" things. All matter is evolving.

All matter is growing.

All matter is living.

Life is merely the registration, in matter, of states of motion of thinking Mind.

The substance of Mind has the appearance of many states of motion which man calls the "elements of matter."

The "elements of matter" do not vary in substance. They vary only in their states of motion.

All motion is periodic and evolutionary.

All motion is motion in equilibrium. No other motion is possible.

All motion has the appearance of being divided into opposites.

These opposites of motion shall henceforth be termed "motion-in-inertia" and "motion-in-opposition."

All that appearance which man calls matter is "motion-in-opposition."

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Bhagwan Rajneesh (Osho) | Spiritual Con Artist

Spirituality Can Be Connected to Naked Women If It Is Through The Master, Solus Dominus.


  If you have no curiosity and interest in why naked women are presented in

the context of being necessary as a stepping stone to spiritual enlightenment,

and spiritual enlightenment is necessary for human unity and global peace, Then

you will never be able to attain spiritual enlightenment, Whether it is a personal

We can actually attain World Peace by altering this Spiritual Dimension through

context, or is part of the future World Peace. 

the Master, Solus Dominus. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com

To leearn from The Master, Solus Dominus, You must relocate to The Master's

residence in Arizona. 

There is an extremely important reason why the right woman is necessary to access the true Spiritual Vortex, and learn from Spiritual Infinite Intelligence. 

The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon If...

 The Greatest Message Will Remain Unheard and Never Acted Upon If...If you cannot humble yourself to ask for The Key to Spiritual Treasure. ...