Every person on Earth has a spiritual void, and that void needs to be filled by The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center. True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com | Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Every person on Earth has a spiritual void, and that void needs to be filled by The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
The Universal One.
An exact science of the One visible and invisible universe
of Mind and the registration of all idea of thinking Mind
in light, which is matter and also energy.
Every person on Earth has a spiritual void, and that void needs to be filled by The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Unfortunately, the term "lady" can pretty well be eliminated from the American English Vocabulary, because it does not pertain to most American women any longer, and this is a really sad fact. I feel really sorry for American women that are still feminine, traditional , and DON'T have the morals of an alley cat.
There is a really good reason why male-female relationships in 2024 ( and for the last 30 years) has been the worst in history. Bottom line is that in the last 6,000 years of history, a woman's virginity was highly valued, and basically is mandatory for ALL women, UNTIL the last 40 years. When a woman in America has lost her virginity at an early age, and has a "notch count" ( body count of how many men they have had sex with ), they have been intimate with 20 guys, 100 guys, 200+ guys, they are basically worthless for a long-term relationship, and even before the relationship ends, it will be a train wreck because of the extensive toxic baggage that they will be bringing with them into a relationship with you. Single Moms, Nope ! Generally speaking , a Nightmare.