Thursday, July 6, 2023

What is Your Capacity For Love ? Unconditional Love

 "Ascended Masters" is a False Teaching

The Master seeks female submissive, with a personality. It is a big ( and usually very frustrating ) task, a never-ending desire ( both want and need ), and yet, It is not out of desperation, But it is also predestination, so there will be a minimal amount of "sales pitch"...

So what are the basic attributes of a submissive ?

  • 18+ and Physically Able to do Service-Orientated / Domestic Servitude Tasks
  • Currently in a Position Where You Can Actually Be in Service ...The Master
    Is Not Interested in a Potential submissive That Still Has 3 Years Left in College,
    or Has a Job / Career That They Can't Leave ( Inability to Relocate )
  • Consensual and Literal female submission
  • Mind-Set of Long-Term
  • Capacity to Grow as a Person
  • Capacity for Love ( I'm not looking for a robot )
  • With or Without Experience
  • submissive must be seeking the basics; Trained and Collared
  • Service-Orientated Submission over Sexual service submission.
  • Must be Willing and Able to Relocate
  • Strong Adherence to The Basic Principles and Protocol of BDSM
    and Spirtual BDSM, and as The Master's Definition of a Substantial Human Being;
    Loyalty, Commitment, Trustworthy, Transparency and Honesty.
  • MUST HAVE a Positive, and Friendly PERSONALITY !!!
  • Sexual Submission is Only The Tip of The Iceberg, of The Tip of The
    Iceberg of a Master / submissive Relationship. We Would Not Make a Good Connection If You Think That Being a Slave Consists Primarily of Spreading Your Legs and/or Ass Cheeks, or Thinking That Your Day is Done Because You Have
    Performed Oral Sex, and if a Male Dominant Allows You to Keep That as Your
    Primary Qualification as a Submissive, Then That is a Very Poor Reflection on The
    Mind-Set and Priorities of Your Dominant / Master.
  • This Master Has No Desire For an Online submissive , Which is an Obvious
    Contradiction in Terms, i.e. There is No Such Thing as an Online Submissive,
    Out-of-Area Sub, etc...
    One unique concept is that I prefer to apply Unconditional Love...Your Role in service-orientated submission is based on Your Service to The Master, But You as a Human, The Master Will Always Give You Unconditional Love and Acceptance.
  • Tags; enlightenedmasters, #enlightenedmasters, enlightened masters, #enlightened,  #masters, enlightenedmaster, enlightened master,, #master #spiritual, spiritual, #spiritualmaster, spiritualmaster, guru, #guru, spiritual evolution, #spiritualevolution , spirituality, #spirituality #enlightenment, #enlighten, enlighten, 
  • #bdsm

Do You Really Want Unconditional Love ?


Off grid communities have been around for decades, but they drew an increased attention and interest in the recent years. Social unrest, economic and political instabilities, natural disasters, unwelcome pandemics – everything that’s been happening recently is driving people toward simpler and freer lifestyle.

Off grid life is not something illegal or unusual, like the mainstream media would want you to believe. It basically means living without being dependent on public utility companies and official power grid. Off grid lifestyle often entails producing your own energy (from the sun or wind), growing your own crops and livestock, and living in a house away from the urban life. Some do it on their own or just with their families, while others unite in small off grid communities.

Off grid life is not something illegal or unusual, like the mainstream media would want you to believe. It basically means living without being dependent on public utility companies and official power grid. Off grid lifestyle often entails producing your own energy (from the sun or wind), growing your own crops and livestock, and living in a house away from the urban life. Some do it on their own or just with their families, while others unite in small off grid communities.

Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Join our co-op community.

#spirituality #ascendedmasters #spiritual #enlightenment #Guru #love #Shaman #yoga #meditation #bdsmsubculture #latinas #latina #texas #arizona #investments #bikerchick #goth #Broken #Happiness

Pure Unconditional Love, Pure Light, and The Truth of The Teachings of The Master, Solus Dominus

   Solus Dominus, The One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Will Lead and You Will Follow...Or Will You Walk Away From The Greatest Opportunity That Any Human Can Embrace ?

The Master's co-op community is in the process of development in Arizona and Texas.

What are the possible spiritual benefits by participating in the Physical-realm, the superficial, enjoying the physical pleasures of the senses ? Someone that has not been trained by The Master, Solus Dominus, might have an immediate reaction that this is a paradox... 

This Message is Related to the Why and How of Transcending Physical-Realm Into the Spiritual-Realm; Regardless what physical-realm activity or mind-set you are involved in; Yoga, which is inherently Toxic if you are involved in Yoga for Supposedly Spiritual reasons, sex, dance, nudity in nature...Unless you are taught Truth, Enlightenment, Pure Love and Pure Light, all being one and the same, through the One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, You will never break free of the Physical-realm...You will remain in this superficial, miserable state and mind-set, and will never experience a higher-level in Earthly life, and the Infinite Dimensions Afterlife...

Pure Unconditional LovePure Light, and The Truth of The Teachings of The Master, 
Solus Dominus, Are All One and the Same. Your Calling in This Earthly Life is to be One With The One, and Then You Will be Assured of Being One With The One in the Infinite Dimensions ( Eternal )...

Join The Master's Co-Op Community If You Are 18+

JOIN THE MASTER'S CO-OP COMMUNITY if you are 18+...This is your way to the Only True Spiritual Enlightenment. The Master knows your calling & purpose in Life, and YOUR destiny in the Afterlife.    The first major step in True Spiritual Enlightenment is separating yourself from the general population and be one of the few that actually takes ACTION...For many are called by, FEW are chosen.

Listing a Tag is not an endorsement or promotion of the topic that the Tag represents.

Tags #spiritual

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

There Are Exceptions to the American Woman, This Woman ( Video ) is Extremely Beautiful !!!

 Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Do you crave unconditional love, acceptance, long-term commitment, honesty, loyalty, abundance of attention, and most importantly, to  attain spiritual enlightenment, Honor and Worship The Master in Person and in Spirit, Not only every day of your life on earth, But to be with Him throughout Eternity. Or are you only interested in learning nonsense, which is what has been taught by false teachers, "masters" and your stereotyped, so-called guru from India, teaching you ludicrous versions of meditation and yoga ( both, which are toxic ), and a complete waste of time, money and energy, If you think they are somehow related to Spiritual Enlightment.

Join the Master's Co-Op Community in Arizona ( or the future community in Texas )

Spanish Translation;

Solus Dominus, El Único y Verdadero Maestro de la Iluminación Espiritual. ¿Anhelas amor incondicional, aceptación, compromiso a largo plazo, honestidad, lealtad, abundancia de atención y, lo que es más importante, alcanzar la iluminación espiritual, honrar y adorar al Maestro en persona y en espíritu, no solo todos los días de tu vida en la tierra? , sino estar con Él por toda la Eternidad. ¿O solo estás interesado en aprender tonterías, que es lo que te han enseñado los falsos maestros, "maestros" y tu estereotipado gurú de la India, enseñándote versiones ridículas de meditación y yoga (ambos, que son tóxicos), y una completa pérdida de tiempo, dinero y energía, si crees que están relacionados de alguna manera con la Iluminación Espiritual.


Únase a la comunidad Master's Co-Op en Arizona (o la futura comunidad en Texas)

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Does Evolution Theory Ever Try To Explain The Human Female

There is a very good reason why the "evolution charts" never show the woman 

Solus Dominus, El Único y Verdadero Maestro de la Iluminación Espiritual. ¿Anhelas amor incondicional, aceptación, compromiso a largo plazo, honestidad, lealtad, abundancia de atención y, lo que es más importante, alcanzar la iluminación espiritual, honrar y adorar al Maestro en persona y en espíritu, no solo todos los días de tu vida en la tierra? , sino estar con Él por toda la Eternidad. ¿O solo estás interesado en aprender tonterías, que es lo que te han enseñado los falsos maestros, "maestros" y tu estereotipado gurú de la India, enseñándote versiones ridículas de meditación y yoga (ambos, que son tóxicos), y una completa pérdida de tiempo, dinero y energía, si crees que están relacionados de alguna manera con la Iluminación Espiritual.

Únase a la comunidad Master's Co-Op en Arizona (o la futura comunidad en Texas)

The Opportunity That Stands Before You Is Either Saneiv's Enlightenment or Spiritual Death

Please do NOT listen to anyone who gives you advice on "how to find an enlightened master"...This is a ludicrous concept, to find ...