The biggest mistake that most people make when training with a heavy bag, is being complacent , and not treating the bag as an opponent who has arms, and will be moving and hits back.
Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community in Arizona 85120. WHY IS IT BENEFICIAL TO SHOW WOMEN "CLOTHING OPTIONAL" Continued in the sidebar. Master Saneiv Is the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM ( Contains Sacred Sexuality ). Spiritual BDSM and Dance, Spiritual (Non-Sexual) Nudity are "Stepping Stones" in The Master's Training Curriculum to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
If You Are Training to Use Boxing If Attacked Unarmed
Monday, February 6, 2023
ソルス・ドミナス。 私たちのスピリチュアル コミュニティのすべてのフォロワーとメンバー
最終的にはスピリチュアル パートナーになり、Solus Dominus とスピリチュアル ユナイテッドになり、
しかし、各スピリチュアル レルムにはスピリチュアル クイーンが 1 人しかいないため、
私がこの役割について説明している女性は非常にユニークです. ありません
事前の経験が必要。 この女性は、自分の人生に特別な使命を感じているに違いありません。
特別な目的...たとえこの召しや目的の外部的な証拠がなくても. 彼女はスピリチュアルな動きと目的へのコミットメントを持っていなければなりません
Solus Dominus は One Master (ラテン語で; Solus Dominus) という名前を与えられました...
Revelation 、 Vision 、および Name は、
思考は人間のレベルで明らかにされますが、ソルス・ドミナスは、蓄積された精神的な知識は、精神人間の永遠の精神を通して以外には測定できないことを知っていました. 精霊人間の数。
または今までに存在したことがありますか? 1 ( 1 ) 。 ソルス・ドミナスは唯一無二のスピリチュアル・エンライトメントの真のマスターです。 Solus Dominus はすべてであり、なおかつ何もない (または、より具体的には「何もない」) ため、Solus Dominus は実際には*現実の全体性*です。
Solus Dominus は、無限のスピリチュアルな次元へのスピリチュアル レベルで *タイム トラベル* @ 思考速度を達成できるようになることを教えてくれます。
Solus Dominus による *Totality of Reality* の一部は、精神的な次元は現実であり、物理的な領域、つまり私たちが現在住んでいる次元は幻想であるということです。
あらゆる目的地への旅行を可能にし、無限次元の現実を体験できるようにする可能性があります。また、幻想を、ここ地球での人生を終わらせる可能性のある物質の*現実*に即座に変換します。 すなわち
過去の何かを調整、変更することは、人類に普遍的な結果をもたらします。 *Universal Consequences for Humankind* の概念はばかげた憶測であり、SF 作家の想像力であり、いわゆるタイムトラベルの壊滅的な出来事の例となります。
過去の人生を意図的に変えることで、現在と未来の人生を変えることができます。 現在抱えている問題の種類に関係なく
人生において、Solus Dominus を通じて、イベントを変更することが可能になります。
それがあなたの現在の生活の問題の原因です。 精神的、感情的、肉体的、性的...私の現在の年齢(地球時間測定)での私の使命と目的は、あなたをこの真実に導くことです. ソルス・ドミナスが語っている真実と可能性は、過去 2,000 年間、一度も明らかにされず、人類に提示されたことはありません。
ソルス・ドミナスにインスパイアされていないマインドとスピリットの中で、人類を悩ませているすべての問題は、スピリチュアルなタイムトラベルを通じて、すべての人類の利益のために変えることができることを理解できますか? 戦争、病気、気候変動など... 現在の問題はすべて、過去に根本的な原因があります。 私はあなたに教えます、あなたは学びます。 私はあなたを導き、あなたは従います。
ベリーダンスは美しいものですが、マスターを崇拝するためにベリーダンスを学ぶ必要はありません。 あなたはマスターへの崇拝を通してあなたの精神を明らかにすることを学ぶ必要があります. あなたは自分自身に注目を集めるためではなく、ダンスがどのように見えるかに関係なく、マスターを称賛するためのものです. ダンスを通して想像力と自由を育みます。 なぜこれが重要なのかは後でわかります。 ソラス ドミナス
Shishō o tatae, reihai seyo, nihongo-yaku yori fukuzatsuna shinjitsu to chūshōtekina gainen o haaku shiyou to suru mae ni, saisho no in'yō o yondekudasai... Watashi wa fukuzatsu-sa ga aitaitekidearu koto o shitte imasu. * Gurētosupiritto wa tsuneni bōryoku ni sōgū shimashita heibon'na kokoro kara no hantai genjitsu wa gensō ni sugimasenga, hijō ni eizoku-tekina mono watashi wa watashi ga suru koto o yorokonde akiramenakereba naranai watashi ga naru mono ni naru* ika wa, sorusu dominasu, za wan Ando onrī kara no seimeidesu. Reiteki keimō to yogen no shin no masutā. Eien no rakuen ni wa josei no tame no tokubetsuna basho ga arudeshou no supirichuarupātonā ni naru tame ni, shinkō to shinjitsu de zenshin suru hito sorusu dominasu. Watashitachi no supirichuaru komyuniti no subete no forowā to menbā saishūtekini wa supirichuaru pātonā ni nari, Solus dominasu to supirichuaru Yunaiteddo ni nari, shikashi, kaku supirichuaru rerumu ni wa supirichuaru kuīn ga 1-ri shika inai tame, watashi ga kono yakuwari ni tsuite setsumei shite iru josei wa hijō ni yunīkudesu. Arimasen jizen no keiken ga hitsuyō. Kono josei wa, jibun no jinsei ni tokubetsuna shimei o kanjite iru ni chigai arimasen. Tokubetsuna mokuteki... Tatoe kono meshi ya mokuteki no gaibu-tekina shōko ga nakute mo. Kanojo wa supirichuaruna ugoki to mokuteki e no komittomento o motte inakereba narimasen sore wa jibun yori mo haruka ni ōkiku, hoka no dare yori mo haruka ni ōkiku, sorusu dominasu yori. Chikyū jikan sokutei no aru jiten de, sono-jikan wa kōkai sa remasenga, Solus dominasu wa One maisutā (ratengo de; Solus dominasu) to iu namae o atae raremashita... Revelation, Vision, oyobi nēmu wa, shikō wa ningen no reberu de akiraka ni sa remasuga, sorusu dominasu wa, chikuseki sa reta seishin-tekina chishiki wa, seishin ningen no eien no seishin o tōshite igai ni wa sokutei dekinai koto o shitte imashita. Seirei ningen no kazu. Matawa ima made ni sonzai shita koto ga arimasu ka? 1 (1 ). Sorusu dominasu wa yuiitsu muni no supirichuaru enraitomento no shin no masutādesu. Solus dominasu wa subetedeari, naokatsu nanimonai (matawa, yori gutaitekini wa `nanimonai') tame, Solus dominasu wa jissai ni wa* genjitsu no zentai-sei*desu. Solus dominasu wa, mugen no supirichuaruna jigen e no supirichuaru reberu de* taimu toraberu* @ shikō sokudo o tassei dekiru yō ni naru koto o oshiete kuremasu. Solus dominasu ni yoru* Totality of riaritī* no ichibu wa, seishin-tekina jigen wa genjitsudeari, butsuri-tekina ryōiki, tsumari watashitachi ga genzai sunde iru jigen wa gensōdearu to iu kotodesu. Arayuru mokutekichi e no ryokō o kanō ni shi, mugen jigen no genjitsu o taiken dekiru yō ni suru kanōsei ga arimasu. Mata, gensō o, koko chikyū de no jinsei o owara seru kanōsei no aru busshitsu no* genjitsu* ni sokuza ni henkan shimasu. Sunawachi mondai matawa senzai-tekina mondai o shūsei suru tame ni, seishin-teki oyobi seishintekini taimu toraberu (zenpō matawa kōhō) suru koto ga kanō ni narimasuga, soreha shinjitsude wa arimasen kako no nanika o chōsei, henkō suru koto wa, jinrui ni fuhentekina kekka o motarashimasu. * Yunivu~āsaru Consequences fō Humankind* no gainen wa bakageta okusokudeari, SF sakka no sōzō-ryokudeari, iwayuru taimu toraberu no kaimetsu-tekina dekigoto no rei to narimasu. Kako no jinsei o itotekini kaeru koto de, genzai to mirai no jinsei o kaeru koto ga dekimasu. Genzai kakaete iru mondai no shurui ni kankei naku jinsei ni oite, Solus dominasu o tsūjite, ibento o henkō suru koto ga kanō ni narimasu. Sore ga anata no genzai no seikatsu no mondai no gen'indesu. Seishin-teki, kanjō-teki, nikutai-teki, seiteki... Watashi no genzai no nenrei (chikyū jikan sokutei) de no watashi no shimei to mokuteki wa, anata o kono shinjitsu ni michibiku kotodesu. Sorusu dominasu ga katatte iru shinjitsu to kanōsei wa, kako 2, 000-nenkan, ichido mo akiraka ni sa rezu, jinrui ni teiji sa reta koto wa arimasen. Sorusu dominasu ni insupaia sa rete inai maindo to supiritto no naka de, jinrui o nayama sete iru subete no mondai wa, supirichuaruna taimu toraberu o tsūjite, subete no jinrui no rieki no tame ni kaeru koto ga dekiru koto o rikai dekimasu ka? Sensō, byōki, kikō hendō nado... Genzai no mondai wa subete, kako ni konpon-tekina gen'in ga arimasu. Watashi wa anata ni oshiemasu, anata wa manabimasu. Watashi wa anata o michibiki, anata wa shitagaimasu. Berīdansu wa utsukushī monodesuga, masutā o sūhai suru tame ni berīdansu o manabu hitsuyō wa arimasen. Anata wa masutā e no sūhai o tōshite anata no seishin o akiraka ni suru koto o manabu hitsuyō ga arimasu. Anata wa jibun jishin ni chūmoku o atsumeru tamede wa naku, dansu ga dono yōnimieru ka ni kankei naku, masutā o shōsan suru tame no monodesu. Dansu o tōshite sōzō-ryoku to jiyū o hagukumimasu. Naze kore ga jūyōna no ka wa atode wakarimasu. Sorasu dominasu
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Love The Master and Worship Him Only
The "New Age" Didn't Invent Meditation or Enlightenment
Not only did the "new age" invent meditation or enlightenment, But their version of meditation ranges from useless to toxic nonsense. Any so-called guru, or group that promotes meditation "empty your mind" principle is nothing but a crude cult tactic...and it's passed on to generation after generation, When it is in reality it's, The Spiritually Blind Leading The Spiritually Blind
Read the first quote before you try to grasp ( the more complex ) truth and
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Breaking every common-sense self-defense technique and principle known to mankind !!!
If you are a female (or a male ), and you spend your time and energy practicing ludicrous crap like the photo below, It's nonsense and it will get you injured or killed in a violent attack. Every single aspect about what this woman is doing is breaking every common-sense self-defense technique and principle known to mankind !!!
For the last decade, females in America, have to worry as much or more about getting into a violent altercation with another female, as they do with males.
I was talking with a woman recently and she told me that when he boyfriend decided he was going to break up with her, He didn't say anything to her, or just walk away from the relationship. No, He got his new girlfriend to come over and beat the shit out of her. And I mean a bad beating, from a very strong and violent woman. The woman I talked to, had 5 teeth knocked out, and somehow 2 of the teeth had to be surgically removed from the roof of her mouth.
Last year I had a woman physically come at me, Because a female friend of mine threatened to throw this girl's clothes into a dumpster because she wouldn't come over and pick up her clothes. This woman was my height, and was in shape and strong and was still on parole from prison ( and really didn't care if she was making a scene or not ), Anyways, I had a split second to decide if I was going to punch her in the face to stop her or not punch her. All I could see in that split second was the back of her head hitting the asphalt of the parking lot. See, Perfect example, There is no perfect defense, or reaction to an attack, or really serious potential attack. I also had no idea what the guy in the car had in mind, who drove her to where I was at, He stopped the car and she jumped out and went towards me. Indecision about the proper reaction can be very dangerous, or it can also start a very big mess that land you in jail, or the other person in the hospital. No matter how you try to explain the circumstances, Hitting a woman full-power in the face doesn't usually work out too well for the male.
Back to my book;
If you need to make a point or verbal threat with any problem person, State your
position calmly,quietly,and directly. Portraying yourself as a seemingly confident
person with wide eyes and quiet voice will make him think that you are very
“intense.” Some situations will require a more forceful statement and or action. If
this occurs, try to engage in confrontation on your own terms, such as time,
location,or circumstances. Most violent situations are not “blitz”attacks. They are
more likely to be borderline cases that escalate to violent encounters, without
clear-ct provocation on your part. If you have no fear of legal consequences, e.g,
“doing time” then justification of your subsequent actions will not be a factor.
Every intelligent person instinctively experience fear. You must learn to control
that fear. Adrenalin can be a positive or negative factor,depending on the
individual. Do not let anyone convince you that Adrenalin is always a positive
experience. Two areas that can not be taught through a book,video or even
qualified private instructor are pain control and Adrenalin control .Like most
“feeling,” they can only be personally experienced or altered. Fear of pain and fear
of injury are two of the greatest anxieties of the self-defense student. A large part
of toughness is acknowledging fear but working through it. When you experience
pain of any kind-be it smashing your thumb with a hammer, stubbing your toe, or
being hit in the head with a rock, your first and immediate reaction must be
anger, not submission.
Author Note: I'm still an advocate of Boxing for self-defense. Not only are the techniques effective if someone is intent to square off with you and want to fight you...But exceptional, and effective physical conditioning, knowing what full-contact is all about, foot movement and balance, etc.,etc...
Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Over, Under, Sideways, and Put 'Em Down, Women's Knife Defense
Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Let Yourself Go! And Practical Knife Defense
Labels Are of No Consequence In Self-Defense
CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some, my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ? Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never
be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master directly for additional details;
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
Contrarian Cult
CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some,my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ? Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote
an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never
be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master
directly for additional details;
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
5 of 38 | Initial Teaching | Gnostic Sacred Sexuality
5 of 38 | Initial Teaching | Gnostic Sacred Sexuality
There is no religion in the world that has the connection to Spiritual
BDSM as Gnosticism.
This is part of the foundation that tells us the sort of
ceremony that was used.
I fancy there was an Eucharistic side, and that the Baptism of
Light was connected with the mystic crucifixion alluded to so often in
the notes. Possibly in the midst of the sacred dance, at the breaking
of the Bread, there was a certain laying on of hands by an adept
Master, one who had himself attained to the autoptic vision,
( Autoptic defined;
Seen with one's own eyes; belonging to, or connected with,
personal observation. autoptic testimony or experience.
and then the candidate was left alone to immerse himself
in the Dark Ray of the
Divine Mind.
I think also that the original MS. was based upon the
work of one Master, whose name, like that of the order to which he
belonged, is lost in the night of time, but that it also contains amplifications
and additions by at least one later hand. It will thus represent the mind
of a grade of teaching, and possibly contains material dating back to
the period of the Therapeutae that Philo knew. In other words, the
community may have been an old one before it was Christianised. In any
case, it remains the record of a stupendous spiritual adventure, the
attempt to produce a race of Divinised men, that is not without the
splendour of tragedy, for at some time, like the Holy Cup of Legend,
the presence of Masterhood departed, and the external house fell into
ruin and its place knew it no more. Perhaps, in the desire to
propagate, it admitted unworthy candidates; perhaps it turned to the
by-ways of magic in an attempt to arrest the external course of nature
and to defy necessity; perhaps there came a day when none could
understand the inner meaning of the high and far-shining mysteries, and
so amidst party strife the building word was lost. Many a man, no
doubt, who called himself a "Gnôstic" was but a sorry rogue; many
another was but a student of the letter, not of the life; many another
was but a spiritual swashbuckler, pompous in his demeanour and cryptic
in his utterance; some, led by an abhorrent fantasy, may have wandered
along the path that goes to the Venus-berg and have striven to lisp a
formula that would transform the earth into Gehenna rather than into
Heaven. But, beside this mass of imposture, of folly, of elegant
idleness and of corruption, the _à rebours_ of a spiritual outpouring,
there was a real mysticism that could present the Authentic Spectacle
and could utter comfortable words in tongues not of this world utterly.
There was a Gnôsis that strove to give the Peace of God to those within
and to those without, because in Peace all things were made, that
yearned to bring forth children, quickened fiery souls, æons, gods, in
bodies of light for the love of God; that saw in all things Grace, the
Sponsa Dei, the Mother most pure and immaculate. "No creature was ever
wronged of Thee," no spark ever quenched, no hope defrauded and hurled
eternally from the sky with shattered wings by Thee. Such is the fair
Faith that chanted its prayer beneath a heaven set with such strange
galaxies, and whispers to us now through the disremembered symbols of a
forgotten book.
It is pleasant, in these days of strife, to be able to quote Dr
Schmidt's appreciation of the _Untitled Apocalypse_ with a cordial
4 of 38 | Sacred Sexuality, Whether asexual or sexual
4 of 38 | Sacred Sexuality, Whether asexual or sexual
"What a different world, on the contrary, meets us in our thirty-one
leaves! We find ourselves in the pure spheres of the highest Plêrôma;
we see, step by step, this world, so rich in heavenly beings, coming
into existence before our eyes; each individual space with all its
inmates is minutely described, so that we can form for ourselves a
living picture of the glory and splendour of this Gnôstic heaven. The
speculations are not so confused and fantastic as those of the Pistis
Sophia and our two Books of Jeu.... The author is imbued with the
Greek spirit, equipped with a full knowledge of Greek philosophy, full
of the doctrine of the Platonic ideas, an adherent of Plato's view of
the origin of evil--that is to say, Hyle.... We possess in these
leaves a magnificently conceived work by an old Gnôstic philosopher,
and we stand astonished, marvelling at the boldness of the
speculations, dazzled by the richness of the thought, touched by the
depth of soul of the author. This is not, like the Pistis Sophia, the
product of declining Gnôsticism, but dates from a period when Gnôstic
genius, like a mighty eagle, left the world behind it and soared in
wide and ever wider circles towards pure light, towards pure knowledge,
in which it lost itself in ecstasy.
"In one word, we possess in this Gnôstic work, as regards age and
contents, a work of the very highest importance, which takes us into a
period of Gnôsticism, and therefore of Christianity, of which very
little knowledge has been handed down to us."
Finally, I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to the scholarship of Mr
G. R. S. Mead, whose labours in the field of Hellenistic Theology have
to my mind received insufficient recognition, and whose admirable
translations I have often used in the notes.
The Body in Spiritual BDSM is Not to be confused with the "astral body" of modern theosophy.
The Mysteries of the Light Through Personal Experience
This is the Father of all Fathers, the God of all ... Gods, Lord of
all Lords, Sonship of all Sons, Saviour of all Saviours, Invisible of
all Invisibles, Infinity of all Infinities, Uncontainable of all
Uncontainables, Beyond-the-Deep of all Beyond-the-Deeps, Space of all
Spaces. This is the Spiritual Mind which existed before all Spiritual
Minds, the Holy Place comprehending all Holy Places, the Good
comprehending all Goods. This is the Seed of all good things. It is
He who has brought them all forth, this Autophues or Being who has
produced Himself, who existed before all the beings of the Plêrôma
which He Himself has brought forth, Who is in all time. This is that
Ingenerable and Eternal One who has no name and who has all names; who
was the first to know those of the Universe, who has looked upon those
of the Universe, who has heard those of the Universe. He is mightier
than all might, upon whose incomprehensible Face no one is able to
gaze. Beyond all mind does He exist in His own Form, Solitary and
Unknowable. The Universal Mystery is He, the Universal Wisdom, of all
things the Beginning. In Him are all Lights, all Life, and all Repose.
I Hope That You Know That A.I. Has No Inherent Value. A.I. is a Solution For a Problem That Doesn't Exist
The so-called value of A.I. , other than making fake images of women, that are obviously fake and possibly helping you with your grammar......
This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...