Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happy. Show all posts

Friday, June 30, 2023

Letter from God

Just because we use a tag doesn't mean that we endorse a specific topic or person.

Tags; #spiritual

These TAGS are only listed because we need an investor ( or investors )to develop 50 acres of land outside of a small town in West Texas ), The message can only go as far as the dollar can carry it. Also see the page on this blog "wants and needs" for other needs, not wants.

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Get Real, Nudity is Natural. Run to the Truth and Not to a Lie


Join The Master's
Co-Op Community
 in Arizona and Texas

Make no mistake about it, Yoga and Meditation,
as practiced in the world today, and through all 
existing teachers, is Toxic Nonsense and a waste
of time, money and energy. Why do I say this?
Because they are false teachers, Teaching a false
Doctrine ...The Spiritually Blind, Leading the Blind.
I found this to be very true in the Traditional Asian Martial Arts,
The physical-level aspects of learning martial arts is usually just
a smoke screen for what they really want to promote, Which is Eastern
Religion, and their version of the Spiritual-level.

Fact; The Government is the largest cult on the planet, Always has been and always will be.
We promote critical thinking. So, In your critical thinking journey, analyze the possible agenda of the government that they might be putting such a strong focus on "cults" in 2023
because all governments hate competition. It's NOT "power to the people" , The foundation of the Government Cult is creating and maintaining THEIR POWER and CONTROL.

Monday, April 17, 2023

True Spiritual Vortex on Earth


I'm going through a rough period of time right now, When you know that you have the message that the entire world needs, But I feel like a "voice in the wilderness" , When you are going it alone, and no one seems to care that there is the true solution for humankind, available right before them....But they would prefer to embrace "the blind leading the blind" ...or just don't care about anything except themselves and the superficial. Later, When most of the work and sacrifice has already been completed, That's the time when "the Called" and the "Sheeple" want to jump on board. I can't really judge them, Because it is human nature, The Herd mentality. The biggest Energy Boost that I will ever receive on a physical, human level, is when the RIGHT woman comes forward to join her Master and The Master. There is a relatively small number of "Chosen" women that are necessary to Spiritually Embrace The Master, to Open the True Spiritual Vortex on Earth, With Vision and Revelation coming forth on a regular basis. On this topic there are two primary principles; There is the RIGHT Woman, Who knows that she is the extremely dedicated, loyal, focused woman...who, after examining The Master and being exposed to His teaching, fully commits in submission to The Master to Honor, Respect and Worship The Master. There will be an undetermined ( at this time ), a number of "Inner Circle" woman who know that they are not just called, But know that they are Chosen, once approved by The Master, This Revelation will be evident to them. The Inner Circle are necessary to access the True Spiritual Vortex on a regular basis.

People Are Following False Teachings Written by False Teachers

     Why would anyone want a Christian Leader / Pastor who was not Spiritually Enlightened,  and a Spirit-Human. I am NOT Jesus Christ, But ...