Showing posts with label gorean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gorean. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Master Saneiv ( Solus Dominus ) Was a BDSM Master and Daddy Dom For 20+ Years

 Just being Real...Real Pastor for a Real ( Alternative Lifestyle ) Church. Spiritual Master Saneiv has no pretense of piety. 

Philippians 4:8: "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things" ( I would definitely say that a beautiful woman is the highest form of natural art )

Also noteworthy, True ( non-toxic) Meditation was in Christianity long before "new agers" grabbed the term and tried to make it their own. Eastern Religion-based meditation is VERY toxic and is an activity that cults use for their brainwashing process. 

There are 38 books in the Gorean Series by John Norman.
The Kajira ( Slave Girls in Gorean culture ) is NOT based in sex,
and is not a "spin off" of BDSM. Heavy emphasis is on CONSENSUAL.

The Modern Day Gorean Ethos
Gorean ethics focuses on an individual striving to live a rich and full Life by practicing doing right by his own standards, convictions and direction.
Goreans stress the importance on truth. Seeking the truth is important, maintaining honesty in all actions concerning any matter or subject, or generally on all subjects.
Goreans stress the importance on integrity. Being true to yourself, keeping your word, adherence to moral and ethical principles; act upon the soundness of moral character.
Goreans stress the importance on honour. That which attracts self respect, dignity and courage; especially excellence of character, high moral worth, virtue, and nobleness.
Goreans stress the importance on freedom. The state of being free or at liberty. To establish personal sovereignty over oneself, and those under our responsibilities. By our action, word and choice.
Goreans stress the importance on strength. Accepting accountability for your choices, and standing against adversity and opposition. Acting with boldness, perseverance and self reliance.
Goreans stress the importance on duty. The binding force of something that is morally or legally right, A call to respect or obedience to country, family or position.
The Gorean Lifestyle
Lifestyle is expressed in both work and leisure behavior patterns and in activities, attitudes, interests, opinions, and values. It also reflects people’s self image or self concept; the way they see themselves and believe they are seen by others. Lifestyle is a composite of motivations, needs, and wants and is influenced solely by the principles and ideals mentioned throughout the Gor Book series.
Goreans stress the importance to one’s position. You are either Free or slave.
Goreans stress the importance of responsibility. The Master for his slave; protection, teaching and ownership. The slave for her Master; being pleasing, meeting his needs and obeying his wishes.
Goreans stress the importance on ownership. A slave is a Master’s property, owned and Collared.
Goreans stress the importance on culture. The distinct way that people, who live differently, classify and represent their experiences, and acted creativity. These include relating to artistic, social pursuits or events considered to be valuable and important. It is a straightforward and openly Master/slave relational dynamic. Some of the more visible demonstrative impressions would include such things as the Collar, structure, protocols, traditions and daily rituals such as slave dances, slave positions, and mannerisms.

Information above is from;

Collar ( after being trained ) is Literal, But for Master Saneiv, Leash is symbolic.
Keep her on a short leash ...If you do not like to have the right man keeping track of
where you are, and what you are doing, Then you are in the wrong place. Give a woman
an inch and she will attempt to take a mile.  

Spiritual Master Saneiv Collective Consciousness Is The Only KEY To World Peace

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