Unfortunately, the term "lady" can pretty well be eliminated from the American English Vocabulary, because it does not pertain to most American women any longer, and this is a really sad fact. I feel really sorry for American women that are still feminine, traditional , and DON'T have the morals of an alley cat.
There is a really good reason why male-female relationships in 2024 ( and for the last 30 years) has been the worst in history. Bottom line is that in the last 6,000 years of history, a woman's virginity was highly valued, and basically is mandatory for ALL women, UNTIL the last 40 years. When a woman in America has lost her virginity at an early age, and has a "notch count" ( body count of how many men they have had sex with ), they have been intimate with 20 guys, 100 guys, 200+ guys, they are basically worthless for a long-term relationship, and even before the relationship ends, it will be a train wreck because of the extensive toxic baggage that they will be bringing with them into a relationship with you. Single Moms, Nope ! Generally speaking , a Nightmare.