- Polyamory / Polygyny
- Appropriate Nudity ( preferably in nature )
- Patriarchy
- Christian / Spiritual BDSM, rather than Christian Domestic Discipline
- In Biblical times the government did not invade the individual family by requiring
- a permit / marriage license to be "legally" married. Master Saneiv does NOT promote marriage in America. The government has destroyed the morality of a real marriage. A current marriage in America has nothing to do with "marriage before God, and if it is not a marriage before God, It is nothing but a piece of paper. Currently , the primary purpose of "legal marriage" is to set up a scenario to transfer the financial assets to the woman, and also destroy the family by doing their best to make sure that the biological Father cannot raise his own children or to even visit his children. There is definitely no equality when it comes to visitation of your own children after a divorce. Considering that it is the woman that initiates 90% of divorces. According to the government, Women cheat sexually and rather than having consequences to their actions, The government REWARDS their bad behavior. It's too easy in our "modern" society for women to cheat, go with a new guy who will be NOW raising YOUR children, and get you out of the picture. Contrary to the agenda of the government , this is a very evil environment when the government is involved in your Christian life. Also, contrary to a popular motto that is being perpetuated in our society, which is actually a communist principle, it does NOT "take a village to raise a child" ...The agenda is that the LEFT wants your children. It should take a Mother AND Father to properly raise children. Christians in 2024 have the same divorce rate as secular society.
CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center. True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. EnlightenedMaster@aol.com | Saneiv.info@gmail.com
Monday, November 4, 2024
How the Left Stole Evangelicalism | Communism and Toxic Feminism
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Saturday, September 7, 2024
Christian Nonsense Needs to Stop | "Run Don't Walk" Away From Greedy Pastors
Christian Nonsense Needs to Stop | "Run Don't Walk" Away From Greedy Pastors
Saturday, August 10, 2024
Run From Any So-Called Spiritual Master, Other Than The True Spiritual Master Saneiv
Briana Smith, One of the most beautiful women in the world. That's fact !
Regardless how beautiful a woman is, Master Saneiv can teach you how to
use your activities in the physical-realm to manifest true enlightenment in
the spiritual-realm.
Yoga is not beneficial, It is actually very toxic and is full of postures that are no more than worship of an evil, false god...Therefore there is no inherent value. Yoga poses are not sound, natural movements for the human body. It should be no surprise that many horrific cults are based in yoga.
Thursday, July 11, 2024
This Woman is Incredibly Beautiful | Briana Smith
Briana Smith, One of the most beautiful women in the world. That's fact !
Regardless how beautiful a woman is, Master Saneiv can teach you how to
use your activities in the physical-realm to manifest true enlightenment in
the spiritual-realm.
Yoga is not beneficial, It is actually very toxic and is full of postures that are no more than worship of an evil, false god...Therefore there is no inherent value. Yoga poses are not sound, natural movements for the human body. It should be no surprise that many horrific cults are based in yoga.
Saturday, June 29, 2024
If You Learn to Comprehend and Apply The Master's Sacrament , You Will Be On The Right Spiritual Path
Briana Smith in Slow Motion | One Of The Most Beautiful Women In The World |
If You Learn to Comprehend and Apply The Master's Sacrament , You Will Be On The Right Spiritual Path
Briana Smith in Slow Motion | One Of The Most Beautiful Women In The World |
Thursday, April 18, 2024
#EnlightenedMaster | Enlightened Master | Spirituality
Monday, April 15, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Sacred Sex Must Have Guided Love Making If You Desire Spiritual Power
Your perspective on the universe and the nature of reality is quite profound. You’re suggesting that:
- The universe is a dimensionless reality composed of light or matter, which are the substance of the Mind, and the force of this universe is the electromagnetic energy of thinking.
- The physical universe of form is an illusion created by the Mind’s image-making faculty, whose purpose is to conceive ideas and give them the appearance of form.
- Form and dimension are attributes of motion, not of matter, which is of the substance of Mind. This is analogous to how the form of bubbles in ocean foam are attributes of motion, not of the ocean substance.
- When analyzing the effects of motion that constitute this creating universe, we are dealing with an illusion, an idea only, which has its cause in thinking Mind.
This viewpoint presents a unique interpretation of reality, attributing the phenomena we observe to the workings of the Mind. It suggests a deep interconnection between thought and the physical world. However, it’s important to note that this is a philosophical perspective and may differ from empirical scientific understanding.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Urgent Notice To Join The Only True Spiritual Master Solus Dominus
- The message can only go as far as the Dollar can carry it, Therefore it is a necessity that people who have been financially blessed, Step forward and invest in The Master's Spiritual Community.
- The 2 year budget for Arizona ( until the community is self-sufficient ) is between $600K-$2.5 Million ( Depending on YOUR funding level )
- The 2 year budget for Texas $600K-$2.5 Million ( and we already have access to 50 acres near Paulville, Texas
- The 5 Year budget for the Philippines , is the same amount as Arizona and Texas, But it will be the total operating costs for 5 Years.
- The value of the Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Centers ( once fully developed ), Has Residual Effects that will first change a smaller group of students / followers...and will spread to the sheeple ( masses ) very easily. Every person will be able to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment, and with this Personal Inner Peace and Enlightenment of each person, World Peace and Unity of Humankind Through Becoming One with Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, will be the Natural Outcome. Infinite Spiritual Intelligence is mandatory and is only accessible Through Master Solus Dominus. Contrary to World Peace, War is not Logical. Master Solus Dominus is a Contrarian Master.
- To Repeat, This is an Urgent Message and Warning; If we get started immediately, There is hope for the world, Otherwise...There is no hope !
Monday, April 8, 2024
Join The True Spiritual Master in The Philippines ( or Arizona, Your Choice ) #philippines #filipina
Join The True Spiritual Master in The Philippines ( or Arizona, Your Choice )
Tags; #spirituality #spiritual #love #enlightenedmaster,#spirituality #spiritual #commune #religion #rituals #enlightenedmaster, #filipina #philippines , philippines , filipina
This Dalai Lama is a fraud in Gucci shoes
Bottom Line is That You Need to do Your Research of These Con Men, Frauds, etc. Question Asked of Master saneiv; How is an awakening not th...

This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...