Join Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, and Spiritual BDSM...The Master is forming a co-op community in Arizona, Texas, and The Philippines. Seeking Members and Investors. You can't have it better than attaining the only true form of Spiritual Enlightenment, which is only available through The Master, Solus Dominus..AND have a lot of fun at the same time. We will work hard and play hard.
CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center. True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. |
Monday, February 26, 2024
Friday, February 23, 2024
One Step Towards Psychic Supernatural Women's Self-Defense #martialarts
One Step Towards Psychic Supernatural Women's Self-Defense #martialarts
Monday, October 30, 2023
Friday, August 11, 2023
Why You Should Start Packing Your Bags to Join The Master
- The best reason why you should “invest” yourself in The Master’s Co-Op Community; The Master, Solus Dominus, is the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. The Master is not “one of the many” so-called “masters”, gurus, etc. that claim to be spiritually enlightened. When in reality, They are nothing more than the “blind leading the blind”. Plural masters do not exist. You will hear this statement several times on this blog; Human Nature is that most of the general population will run TO lies, and run FROM the Truth.
Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Do You Want to Learn Effective Self-Defense Through Spiritual Enlightenment ?
- Do you want to learn how to effectively defend yourself through Spiritual Enlightenment, Where there is no need to go "toe-to-Toe" in a physical attack with a bigger, stronger, and usually more experienced, adult male...
And if you do train in physical applications of self-defense, and mental and emotional strength and toughness, it should start with a gun safety course...Don't let any government convince you that women should support any restriction of your constitutional right to possess a firearm, and to be able to use that firearm in a LEGAL self-defense situation, While you are still able to effectively use your firearm.
One goal that the Government has accomplished, is the making sure that most "men" are not real men. I'm not talking about "trans women" who are males, I'm talking about the feminized, "politically-correct" mind-set, Where so-called men have absolutely no idea what a real man is, how a real man acts, the role of a real man in a male-female / husband-wife relationship, etc.etc...The campaign to feminize the American male, makes it very easy to control the population. Common-sense will tell you that the objective of the Government is Power, Money, and Control...Who is easier to control, the 1944 American Male, Real men who women admire because most women are seeking a male leader, or is it easier for the Government to control a feminized American male, who doesn't even know his role in a relationship, and is definitely not a leader. Whether women admit it or not, This type of so-called man, is disgusting to a woman and they will never respect him in a relationship.
- Tags; #Solus Dominus | Spiritual Enlightenment Master#Solus Dominus#Spiritual Master#yoga#meditation#health &#fitness#women#womensselfdefense#girls#fitgirls#fitnessmodel#beauty#beautifulwomen#BlackWomen#girlpower#female#femalesub#fashionmodel#fashion#clothing#clothes#weightloss#love#sex#food#spirituality#spiritual#enlightenment#consciousness#meditation#meditate#awakening#higherconsciousness#thirdeye#universe#wisdom#spiritualawakening#namaste#lightworker#chakras#knowthyself#dmt#ascension#pinealgland#soul#awareness#innerpeace#knowledge#loveandlight#spirit#psychedelics#abundance#lawofattraction#energy#guidance#investors#investor#invest#forextrader#realestateinvestor#trader#realestateinvesting#millionaire#realestateagent#financialfreedom#motivation#stockmarket#crypto#finance#stocks#wealth#property#trading#success#investments#cryptocurrency#forex#realtor#bitcoin#entrepreneur#money#business#investing#realestate#investment#martialarts#karate#taekwondo#kungfu#kickboxing#muaythai#bjj#judo#jiujitsu#mma#wushu#boxing#mixedmartialarts#selfdefense#fighter#wingchun#ufc#brucelee#fight#tkd#aikido#martialartist#brazilianjiujitsu#grappling#jeetkunedo#thaiboxing#sparring#kick#k1#kyokushin
- Tags;#guns#gun#2a#gunsdaily#gunporn#ak47#ar15#glock#firearms#2ndamendment#america#pistol#tactical#weapons#rifle#9mm#weaponsdaily#military#sickguns#gunsofinstagram#secondamendment#gunchannels#ammo#gunfanatics#nra#ccw#concealedcarry#american guns #citizenrights #gunsafety
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Beautiful and Feminine Israeli Military Girls
- You Must Follow and be Under The Teaching of The Master Solus Dominus.
- There is One True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.
- There is One Path, One Journey to Attain Enlightenment.
- The Master Has Become One With The One
- The One is The Source of Infinite Intelligence,
- The Master Has Become One With The One, The Source of Infinite Dimensions
- and Your Future Ability to Be Able to Travel @ The Speed of Thought to any Spiritual
- Dimension, And Use What is Contained in Infinite Dimensions For Your Benefit and The Benefit of The World...Only If You ( and They ),Are Willing to go Through What is Necessary to Transition From The Physical-Realm to The true Spiritual-Realm...And The Spiritual-Realm is The Only True, Infinite Reality.
You Can Actually Work Your Way or Pay Your Way To Heaven, Because Work, Time and Money Are All Connected
Based on available information and sentiment expressed in various sources, one of the most positive things about Spiritual Master Saneiv a...
This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...