CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center. True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. |
Thursday, September 26, 2024
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
The Jetsons | I Have Heard That There Will Be Flying Cars Since the Early 60's
The Jetsons | I Have Heard That There Will Be Flying Cars Since the Early 60's
Friday, September 13, 2024
Monday, September 2, 2024
"Zen Master Rama" Killed Himself | Good Example for a Life Coach ? | Nothing to Joke About
"Zen Master Rama" Killed Himself | Good Example for a Life Coach ? | Nothing to Joke About
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Spiritual Master Saneiv is ONE With Truth | Jesus Christ is Truth, Love, Light, and God
Thursday, April 18, 2024
#EnlightenedMaster | Enlightened Master | Spirituality
Monday, April 15, 2024
Friday, April 12, 2024
Sacred Sex Must Have Guided Love Making If You Desire Spiritual Power
Your perspective on the universe and the nature of reality is quite profound. You’re suggesting that:
- The universe is a dimensionless reality composed of light or matter, which are the substance of the Mind, and the force of this universe is the electromagnetic energy of thinking.
- The physical universe of form is an illusion created by the Mind’s image-making faculty, whose purpose is to conceive ideas and give them the appearance of form.
- Form and dimension are attributes of motion, not of matter, which is of the substance of Mind. This is analogous to how the form of bubbles in ocean foam are attributes of motion, not of the ocean substance.
- When analyzing the effects of motion that constitute this creating universe, we are dealing with an illusion, an idea only, which has its cause in thinking Mind.
This viewpoint presents a unique interpretation of reality, attributing the phenomena we observe to the workings of the Mind. It suggests a deep interconnection between thought and the physical world. However, it’s important to note that this is a philosophical perspective and may differ from empirical scientific understanding.
Thursday, April 11, 2024
Urgent Notice To Join The Only True Spiritual Master Solus Dominus
- The message can only go as far as the Dollar can carry it, Therefore it is a necessity that people who have been financially blessed, Step forward and invest in The Master's Spiritual Community.
- The 2 year budget for Arizona ( until the community is self-sufficient ) is between $600K-$2.5 Million ( Depending on YOUR funding level )
- The 2 year budget for Texas $600K-$2.5 Million ( and we already have access to 50 acres near Paulville, Texas
- The 5 Year budget for the Philippines , is the same amount as Arizona and Texas, But it will be the total operating costs for 5 Years.
- The value of the Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Centers ( once fully developed ), Has Residual Effects that will first change a smaller group of students / followers...and will spread to the sheeple ( masses ) very easily. Every person will be able to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment, and with this Personal Inner Peace and Enlightenment of each person, World Peace and Unity of Humankind Through Becoming One with Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, will be the Natural Outcome. Infinite Spiritual Intelligence is mandatory and is only accessible Through Master Solus Dominus. Contrary to World Peace, War is not Logical. Master Solus Dominus is a Contrarian Master.
- To Repeat, This is an Urgent Message and Warning; If we get started immediately, There is hope for the world, Otherwise...There is no hope !
Friday, March 22, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
Do You Want To Know How Spiritual BDSM Can Be a Stepping Stone to Enlightenment
This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.
Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …
As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.
The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus.
Friday, February 2, 2024
Thursday, February 1, 2024
Sunday, January 7, 2024
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Female Submission to the Right Dominant Male is Not a Toxic Principle
Take the example of Christianity. Submission is an important issue in relation to marriage.
Here is the plain biblical command: “Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything” (Ephesians 5:22–24).
Unfortunately, "Modern" Christian women, in general, do NOT practice what they preach, and their divorce rate is a perfect example. There are also just as many toxic feminists in the average Christian church in 2023, as there are in secular society.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Why Are There So Many "Independent" , "Empowered" Gold Digging Whores After Male Money ?
There are so many elements of the Master's teaching, this short message is not the time and place to go into the details...Here are a few topics; unconditional love, The Master's principles, protocol and benefits of Polyamory ( not Polygamy ), getting all of the ATTENTION and AFFECTION that you deserve and crave. Knowing the differences between nudity and sex, affection and sex, appropriate attention...this is NOT a sex cult or sex commune. It is a place to learn, love and develop into an Enlightened, Evolved Spiritual Being...You must first learn what True Physical and Spiritual Submission consists of, as you move more and more from the Physical-realm to the Spiritual-realm...You can only attain TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment through The Master, Solus Dominus. The Master is Contrarian. If you are a follower of a false teacher, so-called guru, etc. , usually through the "new age melting pot", and have been indoctrinated and content with the "popular" so-called spiritual benefits of Yoga and Meditation ( which, in reality, are extremely Toxic and are of no benefit...even the ( physical ) stretching methods and poses are not worth the risk of being involved in Yoga. Truth is very seldom "popular", and the fact that Yoga and Meditation ( as being currently taught around the world ), are very popular, should be a red flag...The "sheeple" usually lack discernment and insight, and the Yoga and Meditation instructors at the top of the pyramid, or the leader of one of the many cults that are Yoga and Meditation based, are nothing but the Spiritually Blind Leading, Leading The Spiritually Blind ...Solus Dominus
This Dalai Lama is a fraud in Gucci shoes
Bottom Line is That You Need to do Your Research of These Con Men, Frauds, etc. Question Asked of Master saneiv; How is an awakening not th...

This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...