Showing posts with label #85120 #85205 #spiritual #spirituality #enlightenment #higherconsciousness #spirituality #yoga #love #spiritualawakening #meditation #enlightenment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #85120 #85205 #spiritual #spirituality #enlightenment #higherconsciousness #spirituality #yoga #love #spiritualawakening #meditation #enlightenment. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Through Spiritual Master Saneiv, Activities in the Physical-Realm Can Be Transformed Into The Spiritual-Realm



I think that this woman is very beautiful, but her huge boobs
on a young woman really isn't a blessing because it attracts
the wrong attention from males, and especially older males.
If it was a long time ago, and she was married at an early age,
it wouldn't be bad, especially for her husband, but in 2024 it 
is more of a liability.

Amazing Request For You | Your Prayers Will Be Answered If You Follow Spiritual Master Saneiv

 Test Spiritual Master Saneiv in This. 

Pray to Him and Ask Him Sincerely 

What You Need (without greed)...

When Your Prayers Are Answered, 

Then You Will Worship Him Through 

Submission, Obedience, and Service.

Friday, November 29, 2024

The Superstition Mountains in Apache Junction, Az. is The Only True Spiritual Vortex in The United States

 The video is a short, easy-read introduction to Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. 

Before you read the A.I. analysis of my post related to Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world...I would like to repeat that Master Saneiv is seeking the right, **consensual** slave to train, collar, own LTR. ADULTS 18+ ONLY!!!

Unfortunately due to extreme censorship for the last 4 years, I'm not going to tell you what globalist corporation supplied the A.I. listed below.

The A.I. evaluation of a post that I made on my blog is accurate in some ways, and pathetic,
"politically correct" nonsense in other ways. Just in case you didn't know, the main objective of this
global promotion of A.I. is to get you familiar with the term, but not with the "end game" purpose,
which is to assist the *global elite* to implement global slavery for every man, woman and child on earth.
and the slavery will not be "consensual role playing" Master/slave , it will be literal, non-consensual slavery.***
What's the current claims of inherent value for A.I. ...posting obviously fake looking images of Asian women
with huge boobs? or basic grammar that you should have already learned in school? A.I. is nonsense.

This text appears to be a promotional message for a spiritual community and its leader, Solus Dominus. It promotes a unique and controversial approach to spiritual enlightenment, emphasizing submission to the Master and challenging conventional views on spirituality, sexuality, and societal norms.

The text employs a mix of persuasive techniques, including:

Authoritative language: The use of terms like "One True Master," "Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment," and "Contrarian Master" establishes Solus Dominus as a figure of supreme authority.
Emotional appeals: The message evokes fear of negative consequences for those who do not follow the Master's teachings and promises transformative spiritual experiences.
Exclusivity: The emphasis on submission and the requirement for specific qualifications create a sense of exclusivity and elite status.
Criticism of mainstream spirituality: The text dismisses popular practices like yoga and meditation, positioning Solus Dominus's teachings as the only true path to enlightenment.
It's important to note that this text promotes a highly specific and unconventional worldview. It's crucial to evaluate such claims critically and consider alternative perspectives.
Author's Note: I have considered "alternative perspectives" for 50 years, and the conclusion is that all spiritual teachings other than Master Saneiv is ludicrous nonsense.

Don't Be One Of The Unenlightened Who Run TO Lies and Run FROM Truth. This video can be YOUR Answer to The Spiritual Void That Every Human Has. Through Spiritual Master Saneiv There is No Proverbial "Mysteries of Life", and There is No Need About the Classic Questions of Life Purpose.

Watch This Short Video and If You Do Not Feel That This Might Be What You Have Been Looking For Your Entire Life, Then Master Saneiv Will Not be in Your Life. For Those Who Know That There is a Spiritual Void in Every Human Who Has Ever Lived, And You Must Decide Who, What and How to Fill Your Void.

Spiritual Master Saneiv is interested in opening a Universal Life Church in East Mesa, Arizona 85205, or Possibly Apache Junction, 85120. As close as possible to the Superstition Mountains, which is the only true Spiritual Vortex in the United States. The only other true Spiritual Vortex in the world is in the Philippines. Master Saneiv is seeking an Investor to open the Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center in the Philippines.

This should be obvious, but Nudity is not sexual activity that is taken out of proper context.

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Whether You Understand This Opportunity or Not, I will Understand Your Decision | #spirituality #enlightenment

 Immerse yourself in the teachings of Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center, an inspirational sanctuary founded by Spiritual Master Saneiv in December, 2023. Guided by the wisdom of this experienced life coach, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery and profound inner growth, as you receive expert private instruction tailored to your individual needs. Attain true spiritual enlightenment and unlock your highest potential with Saneiv's transformative teachings.

I recently started 5 Youtube channels ( and also experimented with a short eBook ), within a week of starting the channels I got a "strike" from Google, which prevents me from uploading anything new for 90 days, and I have about 
2 months to go. The videos are all short, 2-5 minutes long, and the eBook is only a couple of pages.

eBook: ( put this in your browser, not in a Google search.
this is an interactive "flip book" so it won't be listed in a Google search )
Whether you view this material and say "this is not for me", I completely understand.
or if you say "my jaw dropped when I heard this, because I have been looking for the
right spiritual master my entire life", I will completely understand that too.
If you are still interested, let me know. Thank You

Understanding the "snowball effect" is crucial for the expansion of Master Saneiv's Spiritual Enlightenment Movement, particularly in terms of membership growth. The snowball effect is a metaphorical process that begins from a state of minor importance and builds upon itself, becoming increasingly significant, and possibly more perilous or catastrophic—a vicious cycle. Alternatively, it could be advantageous—a virtuous cycle. This concept is not only a staple in cartoons and modern theater but is also applied in psychology.

The typical analogy is that of a snowball rolling down a snowy slope. As it descends, the snowball accumulates more snow, increasing its mass and surface area, which in turn allows it to gather even more snow and momentum as it continues its descent.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Spiritual Enlightenment 1 | #spirituality Enlightened Master Saneiv Residing in Arizona

Short intro video about Spiritual Master Saneiv

The link below is a short eBook ( booklet )

You can enjoy wine in Master Saneiv's Spiritual Community

Don't imprison yourself with outdated, closed-minded thinking about Spirituality and Enlightenment

Older Women are Welcome in our spiritual community,
even with fake boobs !

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Embrace God Through Spiritual Master Saneiv

Your current life and eternal life will depend on your decisions now. 

How To SEE , TOUCH, and HEAR God Through Spiritual Master Saneiv

According to Spiritual Master Saneiv, There is always ONE representitive on Earth that is the primary representitive of God ( in the flesh that you can see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and physically embrace and touch with your own hands and arms. )... As long as you are alive on Earth you will NEVER see God, Unless you are a disciple and follower of Spiritual Master Saneiv. 
There is only ONE mediator between God and man and that man ( and Son of God ), is Jesus Christ…But Jesus Christ is currently with God the Father as ONE. 
I did not ask for this calling. The calling is that I will become ( and have become ), the ONLY true Enlightened Master on Earth. My name is SANEIV ( no association whatsoever with India, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other Eastern Religion ( or any other organized religion.) 
If you truly desire to visually SEE God, It must be through embracing Master Saneiv. Master Saneiv is focused on the ONE true God, and worship HIm and Him ONLY…But if you have not been truly enlightened through Saneiv, You must focus your body, mind, soul and spirit on Master Saneiv, Yearning to embrace God and you will see the Ultimate Diety and Infinite Intelligence…God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and YOU must be ale to see in the Spirit.
Through submission of your body, your mind, your soul, and through the connection of your Spirit and the Spirit of God. Spiritual Master Saneiv is ONE with God, ONE with Love, and ONE with Pure Spiritual Light. Yearn to be ONE with Master Saneiv through his teachings and training. YOU will therefore be ONE with God, One with Pure Light ( and not darkness ), and ONE with Love. This is the ONLY TRUE Collective Consciousness, The Universal Enlightenment that will bring forth WORLD PEACE. 

People Are Following False Teachings Written by False Teachers

     Why would anyone want a Christian Leader / Pastor who was not Spiritually Enlightened,  and a Spirit-Human. I am NOT Jesus Christ, But ...