Saturday, February 1, 2025

Feb. 1, 2025 Post From Spiritual Master Saneiv | Your Life Purpose is With Master Saneiv


Saneiv, The Only True Enlightened 

Spiritual Master in The World.


Dedicated, Obedient,

Spiritually Submissive

Person Who Desires 

To Attain True Spiritual

Enlightenment More 

Than Anything In This 

Spiritual-Realm World.


Briana Smith is an extremely beautiful woman. 

There is a way through spiritual master saneiv that you can learn how
to "credit" your spiritual-realm eternity even though you do physical acts within the physical-realm that are not of a spiritual nature. 
An example would be; you dance naked before men that you don't even know. The fact that this physical action is a positive reaction is not because society is telling you that it's OK...what really makes it "OK" and allows for it to be "credited" to your "account" in the spiritual-realm is the degree that you focus on Master Saneiv, the level of your submission, trust, service and obedience to Master Saneiv. If it is a nude dance that it focused on your self-serving agenda=NO SPIRITUAL CREDIT. Focused on Master Saneiv and Manifested in your service, trust, submission and obedience = Building The Foundation For Your Eternity in The Spiritual-Realm and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.

This question was asked of Master Saneiv; "What does God think about Latter-Day Saints" (Mormons)

Answer: Considering that the founder was a false prophet , God is not going to specifically address “Latter Day Saints” (Mormons)…the Bible already addresses False Prophets in general. There are a few things that the LDS church does right, and the people for the most part, are very nice people and would make great neighbors. They have strong families. I personally believe in the original doctrine of Polygamy ( Man with plural wives, (not women with multiple husbands…this is unnatural and a female-led relationship is a train wreck that will eventually happen, but so is a beta-male led relationship, which is also a train-wreck. Very few women on the planet respect a “Yes, Dear” type beta-male, survival is in the female DNA and wimps didn’t survive long in ancient history, and they were not able to defend their woman.
If only the strong survive ( evolution theory of “survival of the fittest” ) how did women survive and still around in equal numbers. ( even though modern women for the most part wouldn’t survive a day in the ancient world, most women have de-evolved )…probably the same reason why they don’t have an evolution chart showing women.. you know, the chart that shows different stages of supposedly evolution from a male chimp to a male human, and from a black chimp to a white male ( whoever created that chart never thought about the racist implications in 2025 )…but there is no evolution chart using females.
***If there are single women reading this post, and you are interested in reviving spiritual-polyamory, rather than Mormon Polygamy, Let Master Saneiv know your intentions, wants, and desires. What is needed for your life purpose and fulfillment ?
Spiritual Master Saneiv Knows Your Life Purpose, Do You ?

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This Dalai Lama is a fraud in Gucci shoes

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