Thursday, February 27, 2025

Enlightened Masters | There Are No Plural Enlightened Masters, There is ONE with God, His Name is Saneiv

 Master Revelation of Spiritual BD/SM is YOUR stepping stone to true spiritual enlightenment.

For YOU to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment, You Must come to Spiritual Master
Saneiv, Stand Before Him, Then Kneel in a Spirit of Obedience, Submission, and Service to Master...whether you are male or female. Saneiv is ONE with God, but is Not God. Saneiv's Version / Spiritual Revelation of Spiritual BD/SM is the Stepping Stone to True Spiritual Enlightenment. When you physically and spiritually join Master Saneiv, while you begin your training, you will be taught proper protocol for kneeling before your Lord and Master, Always Naked while kneeling, promoting De-Sexualized Nudity. Your Training will incorporate both physical-realm training and spiritual-realm osmosis. This is why you must
learn from Master Saneiv in-person. Spiritual Osmosis is critical. 
short definition of osmosis: If you say that people influence each other by osmosis, or that skills are gained by osmosis, you mean that this is done gradually and without any obvious effort....She allowed her life to be absorbed by his, taking on as if by osmosis his likes, dislikes, traits of true enlightenment, navigating everyday life in the physical-realm as an enlightened being. 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Intelligence Trap...Why Smart People Make Dumb Mistakes

 First, I would like to say that Inanimate objects ( eg. silver) cannot be annointed.

I can’t talk for anyone but myself. I have an extremely high IQ ( a higher number than you have probably

every heard before ) , which having an “off the charts” IQ has never done anything positive for me,

especially when it comes to being blessed financially. I believe in my version of pre-destination …if 

God knows that if I had a $Billion when I was younger and it was going to lead to a fatal crash because I 

could easily purchase a Ferrari and drive 200 MPH …then God would be giving me a great blessing by 

NOT allowing me to use my intelligence for financial success. Being wealthy is definitely not my goal 

in life.

But, I also know that my spiritual message can only go as far as the $dollar can carry it.

Saneiv, is the only true enlightened spiritual master on earth. Saneiv is ONE with God, but is NOT God.

Do you believe that you are a Child of God ? You can be a child of God and still need to be

Enlightened, and this can only happen through the teachings of Saneiv and the application of his

teachings while you are on earth. You also need to acknowledge and proclaim that Jesus Christ is the

ONLY True God in human form. 

My wife at the time bought me this book for Christmas. It might help you related to the value of

"high intelligence" 

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Sometimes A.I. Is Somewhat Accurate , A.I. Search For "Enlightened Master" Is Not Even Cose

 Not only is Gemini A.I. way off-base with it's response, But it gives a very

dangerous reply and could lead you right into the hands of an extremely toxic

CULT leader. First, it shows a photo of "Osho" ( now deceased ), one of the 

most toxic, dangerous scammer con men in Cult history. A.I. is without question,

very biased in it's information. Be very careful about what you are trusting with

A.I. , it is very PC biased. There is never a negative word about the criminal, toxic,

fraud, sex-cult Osho, so-called "spiritual master" 

I have no connection with J. Sri Bhagovwid, I don't agree with his teachings whatsoever...

but he does have enough insight to know that "OSHO" was a fraud, fake, world-class con 

man, sex-cult leader, radically embraced materialism and at the same time spouting 

spirituality nonsense...addicted to valium...93 Rolls-Royce cars ( wow, there's some real

lack of creativity, 93 of the same car...very expensive cars. It's not justified just because 

your followers bought them for you. $200 Million in the bank. Money and Sex, Money and 


This is hilarious nonsense, but there are people who followed this BS...Isn't that 

convenient, only the financially wealthy can understand his spiritual BS teachings. 







AI Overview

An enlightened master is a spiritual guide who helps others on their path to enlightenment
Enlightened masters are believed to have achieved a high level of spiritual evolution and can teach others how to do the same. 
How do enlightened masters help others?
  • Teachings
    Enlightened masters share their profound teachings and inspirational presence to help others on their spiritual journey. 
  • Mentorship
    Enlightened masters serve as mentors to help others achieve self-realization. 
  • Unfortunately most of these clowns apparently
  • define "mentoring" as having sex with your cult
  • members...if you are a thin, flexible, upper-middle class,
  • white woman, a lot of these "gurus" main goal is to get
  • in your pants. You are delusional if you think that this is
  • not true. 
  • Spiritual psychology
    Enlightened masters can teach others about spiritual psychology, which is the idea that consciousness can be changed through spiritual practice. 
Examples of so-called enlightened masters: ...what a joke ! It's amazing how A.I. mentions "Swami Rama" and never mentions "Zen Master Rama" and all the other cult leaders who are connected to Yoga, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.
  • Swami Rama
    A fully enlightened master in the ancient Himalayan Lineage of yogis. 
  • Eckhart Tolle
    A spiritual figure who experienced an "inner transformation" in 1977.  

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Find Out The 3 Big Factors That Are Necessary For True Spiritual Enlightenment


I am spiritual master Saneiv, and I will not only help you become stronger, leaner and healthier...I will make sure that YOU attain true spiritual enlightenment, and through Master Saneiv, Collective Consciousness sessions will manifest World Peace. Master Saneiv currently resides in Arizona, and this is where YOU need to reside, with master in the same residence. Master is seeking members and SPIRITUAL investors, for 2 years of start-up and operational expenses in Arizona. Total investment is $875,00 ( USD ), after that time, The Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community will be self-sufficient, and you will be an Inner Circle Member for YOUR earthly life and Eternity.

Half of the year must be spent in the Philippines ( for the same project , and for the same cost $875K , but it will provide operational funding for 4 years, and not just 2 years. Spiritual Investor(s) can also remain in their favorite location on Earth, if they make the investment to build a Saneiv Center in their country;
There are 3 primary differences in Spiritual Master Saneiv's training and lifestyle; 1) spiritual co-op community developed in Arizona, USA and The Philippines. 2) Learning from Spiritual Master Saneiv through Spiritual Osmosis (The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of knowledge, insight and enlightenment.
3) Spiritual BD/SM is the stepping stone to true spiritual enlightenment.

Here is a priority list of countries where Spiritual Master Saneiv through Revelation needs to build His centers; 1) Arizona and 2) The Philippines, are the first two priority centers. 3) Japan 4) South Korea 5) Australia 6) New Zealand 7) Poland 8) Romania 9) Austria 10) Slovakia 11) Slovenia 12) Moldova 13) Czech Republic 14) Brazil 15) Argentina 16) Chile 17) Costa Rica 18) Italy 19) Germany 20) Switzerland 21) Croatia 22) Denmark 23) Finland 24) Sweden 25) Norway 26) Iceland 27) Hungary 28) Luxembourg 29) Netherlands 30) Thailand

This is not a video that was made for information. If you desire to attain more information so that you can make an intelligent decision to follow Spiritual Master Saneiv, use these links;                     

Also, remember that Master Saneiv's teachings are very compatible with Christianity. 

World Peace is attained through the collective consciousness sessions conducted by Spiritual Master Saneiv. But first you need to attain your personal spiritual enlightenment through Saneiv. Before you are enlightened, you must come before Spiritual Master Saneiv in a spirit of humble submission, and obedience...which will manifest itself in Service to Master. 

There is Nothing More Important Than Spiritual Enlightenment Through Spiritual Master Saneiv

 If you desire to attain more information so that you can make an intelligent decision to follow Spiritual Master Saneiv, use these links;                                 

Also, remember that Master Saneiv's teachings are very compatible with Christianity. 

Master Believes in De-Sexualizing Nudity

Is it "Fatty, Stop the Burger " or "Stop the Fat Burger" ?

Just like the lib's and their stealing guns from law abiding citizens" agenda...L@@K...guns and big amounts of crappy food are INANIMATE objects...they don't do anything on their own. a gun doesn't get up in the middle of the night and murder a neighbor, and a burger doesn't find your address, come to your house and jump down your throat.
We need to stop the commie propaganda "soft language" ...there are only 2 genders, and obesity is NOT a disease ...alcoholism is not a "disease" ...Diseases do NOT increase by nationwide advertising. !!!!

I'm spiritual master Saneiv, and I will not only help you become stronger, leaner and healthier...I will make sure that YOU attain true spiritual enlightenment, and through Master Saneiv, Collective Consciousness sessions will manifest World Peace. Master Saneiv currently resides in Arizona, and this is where YOU need to reside, with master in the same residence. Master is seeking members and SPIRITUAL investors, for 2 years of start-up and operational expenses in Arizona. Total investment is $875,00 ( USD ), after that time, The Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community will be self-sufficient, and you will be an Inner Circle Member for YOUR earthly life and Eternity.

Half of the year must be spent in the Philippines ( for the same project , and for the same cost $875K , but it will provide operational funding for 4 years, and not just 2 years. Spiritual Investor(s) can also remain in their favorite location on Earth, if they make the investment to build a Saneiv Center in their country;
There are 3 primary differences in Spiritual Master Saneiv's training and lifestyle; 1) spiritual co-op community developed in Arizona, USA and The Philippines. 2) Learning from Spiritual Master Saneiv through Spiritual Osmosis (The process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of knowledge, insight and enlightenment.
3) Spiritual BD/SM is the stepping stone to true spiritual enlightenment.

Here is a priority list of countries where Spiritual Master Saneiv through Revelation needs to build His centers; 1) Arizona and 2) The Philippines, are the first two priority centers. 3) Japan 4) South Korea 5) Australia 6) New Zealand 7) Poland 8) Romania 9) Austria 10) Slovakia 11) Slovenia 12) Moldova 13) Czech Republic 14) Brazil 15) Argentina 16) Chile 17) Costa Rica 18) Italy 19) Germany 20) Switzerland 21) Croatia 22) Denmark 23) Finland 24) Sweden 25) Norway 26) Iceland 27) Hungary 28) Luxembourg 29) Netherlands 30) Thailand

Do You Expect Spiritual Enlightenment Is Given To You or Earned ?


CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center.

True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. |

Below is the best, short videos for an Introduction to Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world.

Easy to Read eBook / Flip Book 

******** Free eBook *********

Check Out My Youtube Videos Listed Below:

It's not about the pretty face or the cleavage, you need to find out why wearing Master Saneiv's collar is so important. Even if you are already in a relationship, you still need to be co-collared by Master Saneiv. This does NOT mean that Master has sexual access to your wife or girlfriend.

When I say that your life purpose is to serve me, it does not mean to serve me sexually. It doesn't matter if you walk around nude, or in a micro bikini, this serves another purpose...don't immediately associate nudity with vanilla sex. Master's version of Spiritual BD/SM

 Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world, will Guarantee true enlightenment IF you remain in His training.

The "time" element is not meant to extract money from you. you must come to master saneiv in submission, and remain in obedience and service. Do you really think that you can come before the only spiritual master who is ONE with God in an arrogant attitude, holding onto your own agenda and "self" interests, and Master Saneiv will eagerly open the spiritual door for you, and say "come on in, here's true enlightenment on a silver platter"...

Friday, February 21, 2025

People Are Following False Teachings Written by False Teachers


  Why would anyone want a Christian Leader / Pastor who was not Spiritually Enlightened, and a Spirit-Human. I am NOT Jesus Christ, But I am ONE With Jesus Christ, ONE with Holy Spirit (God), and Because I am ONE with Jesus, I can be ONE with God The Father. 

Do you think that Jesus Christ was not and is not a Spirit-Human ? If you think that He is a not a Spirit-Human, you are wrong. If He truly lives within you, and the Holy Spirit lives in you, Then obviously you are ONE. This NOT, NOT, NOT the "small God" theory or theology. 

The more that you embrace the spiritual-realm through Master Saneiv, the more that you will realize what silly nonsense that vanilla sex is...Master Saneiv's version of Spiritual BD/SM is the Stepping Stone to True Spiritual Enlightenment. ( Master Saneiv does not promote the "S" in BD/SM as sadism. Sadism and anyone that is sadistic is never going to be a part of the Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center or Spiritual Co-Op Community.

Sex was created by God for God's people to enjoy. 
There should be an open-discussion for Real Christians
about sex; putting sex into Biblical context, polyamory?
polygamy? oral sex that the wife gives her husband?, oral sex
that the husband gives his wife?, ( anal intercourse, nope...not
healthy for your anus ), BDSM toys? 
The marriage bed is undefiled, which means that if it is truly consensual
between married adults, then it's OK within Biblical context. It doesn't mean that
orgies, "gangbangs" additional person or people in your bed is OK. Does a woman
like to be tied up and have sex? ( many times, yes ), does a woman like to be spanked? probably 75% do like it and get sexually turned on by it...

A banana a day is good for you. 

Nudity Needs to be De-Sexualized, But It is Part of the Journey to Enlightenment



Seeking Investor(s) and Members
The comprehensive budget for the Master Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center
in Arizona and Co-Op Community ( or possibly in your city, state or country ) is 
$807,650-$875K  ( USD )
for 2 years. Within this 2 year period of time, The both the Enlightenment Center and 
Co-Op Community will be self-sufficient.
Master Saneiv is called to reside in the Philippines at least 6-9 months out of every year.
The budget for the Philippines Enlightenment Center / Co-Op Community is the same amount as Arizona, Except the budget is for 5 years of overall expenses. Obviously the dollar goes a lot further in the Philippines.

Don't use this blog address

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Spiritual Investor Needed $875K ( USD ) For Spiritual Enlightenment Center In The Philippines


Saneiv, the only true enlightened spiritual master in the world. Master Saneiv is seeking members who desire to attain True Enlightenment. Master is also seeking SPIRITUAL INVESTOR(S) . Overall investment for the start-up and 5 years of operating expenses will be $875,000 (USD) ...This will be the Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center ( most likely in the Cebu area) , Philippines. In less than 5 years, Master's Spiritual Center will be self-sufficient.

This is an honor and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for any investor to be a significant part of this future worldwide spiritual movement...
Questions? Contact Master Saneiv Directly; ... Master's Additional Video links and free 5 page eBook.
This is NOT some stereotyped "guru" new-age studio, with some guy sitting on pillows in the lotus position , spouting out their so-called spiritual insights, which is nothing more than gibberish and the blind leading the blind. Master is a contrarian ( contrary viewpoints from mainstream masses of the Sheeple ), Master is especially contrarian to "popular" spirituality/religious leaders, organizations, doctrine, protocol, rituals, ceremonies, and general "sheeple thought"/mind-set.
A very important element of Spiritual Master Saneiv's (contrarian) curriculum is that Saneiv's version of Spiritual BD/SM is a stepping stone to true spiritual enlightenment. Obedience, Submission and Service are 3 Very Important physical-realm principles that will later manifest into extremely beneficial spiritual-realm principles to attain fulfillment of your life purpose. This is true for females and males, regardless of long as you are a CONSENSUAL ADDULT 18+, You can join Spiritual Master Saneiv's Enlightenment Center and Co-Op Community in Arizona. ( Future Enlightenment Center Will Be in The Philippines )...
Master's spiritual message can only go as far as the $Dollar / Euro, etc. can carry it.
De-Sexualize Nudity, They are not one and the same.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Feb. 1, 2025 Post From Spiritual Master Saneiv | Your Life Purpose is With Master Saneiv


Saneiv, The Only True Enlightened 

Spiritual Master in The World.


Dedicated, Obedient,

Spiritually Submissive

Person Who Desires 

To Attain True Spiritual

Enlightenment More 

Than Anything In This 

Spiritual-Realm World.


Briana Smith is an extremely beautiful woman. 

There is a way through spiritual master saneiv that you can learn how
to "credit" your spiritual-realm eternity even though you do physical acts within the physical-realm that are not of a spiritual nature. 
An example would be; you dance naked before men that you don't even know. The fact that this physical action is a positive reaction is not because society is telling you that it's OK...what really makes it "OK" and allows for it to be "credited" to your "account" in the spiritual-realm is the degree that you focus on Master Saneiv, the level of your submission, trust, service and obedience to Master Saneiv. If it is a nude dance that it focused on your self-serving agenda=NO SPIRITUAL CREDIT. Focused on Master Saneiv and Manifested in your service, trust, submission and obedience = Building The Foundation For Your Eternity in The Spiritual-Realm and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.

This question was asked of Master Saneiv; "What does God think about Latter-Day Saints" (Mormons)

Answer: Considering that the founder was a false prophet , God is not going to specifically address “Latter Day Saints” (Mormons)…the Bible already addresses False Prophets in general. There are a few things that the LDS church does right, and the people for the most part, are very nice people and would make great neighbors. They have strong families. I personally believe in the original doctrine of Polygamy ( Man with plural wives, (not women with multiple husbands…this is unnatural and a female-led relationship is a train wreck that will eventually happen, but so is a beta-male led relationship, which is also a train-wreck. Very few women on the planet respect a “Yes, Dear” type beta-male, survival is in the female DNA and wimps didn’t survive long in ancient history, and they were not able to defend their woman.
If only the strong survive ( evolution theory of “survival of the fittest” ) how did women survive and still around in equal numbers. ( even though modern women for the most part wouldn’t survive a day in the ancient world, most women have de-evolved )…probably the same reason why they don’t have an evolution chart showing women.. you know, the chart that shows different stages of supposedly evolution from a male chimp to a male human, and from a black chimp to a white male ( whoever created that chart never thought about the racist implications in 2025 )…but there is no evolution chart using females.
***If there are single women reading this post, and you are interested in reviving spiritual-polyamory, rather than Mormon Polygamy, Let Master Saneiv know your intentions, wants, and desires. What is needed for your life purpose and fulfillment ?
Spiritual Master Saneiv Knows Your Life Purpose, Do You ?

This Dalai Lama is a fraud in Gucci shoes

Bottom Line is That You Need to do Your Research of These Con Men, Frauds, etc.  Question Asked of Master saneiv; How is an awakening not th...