You might not like this message...too bad. Truth comes before your opinion, feelings, etc.
Christianity is obviously based in Jesus Christ, the only Light and Savior in the World.
For your daily Christian life, Patriarchy should be promoted. Feminism is a very toxic agenda that will destroy your marriage, and if left unmanaged, will destroy the nation.
The brainwashing tactics of the government and the global elite , related to supposedly the good of women, is not only nonsense, but is the complete opposite of what is for the long-term benefit to women.
- Any man that calls himself a Christian should be Head of Household and Rule over his wife. Genesis 3:16. To the woman He said, "I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing; in pain you shall bring forth children. Your desire shall be contrary to your husband, but he shall rule over you." FYI: "Contrary" is defined as "opposite in nature, and direction" , "opposing" , "contradictory" , "clashing" , "conflicting" , perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired.
- The bottom line is that a Christian man ( actually any man) must rule over his wife or there is going to be never-ending conflict in the home.
- "The World" ( secular society ) is trying to tell you the opposite of God's Word on almost every topic imaginable, especially concerning the role of the woman in society and in relationships, marriage.
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