Sunday, January 19, 2025

OSHO Was Nothing But a Con Man , False Teacher and a Very Toxic Cult Leader


How hard is it to become an enlightened being by Bhagwan's Grace? (this is one of many nonsense questions brought up on )

That’s a promo for Bhagwan, (OSHO) Not really a question , but for anyone who doesn’t know who Bhagwan is , I’ll answer your “question” …the answer is that it is IMPOSSIBLE. It is impossible for the spiritual and material to co-exist. If you accept 93 of one of the most expensive brands of cars in the world ( Rolls Royce’s) and have $200 million in the bank, etc. etc… you are living in materialism and the physical-realm /pleasures…you have no connection whatsoever with the spiritual-realm IMO. These so-called gurus are very good at speaking jargoniamism , to confuse their cult followers that their teachings are “profound”

Bhagwan ( OSHO) was so full of sh*t it boggles the mind.  !!! go to Art & Crit by Eric Wayne for more information.

Imagine that you honestly wanted to become a better person, and traveled off to an ashram to meditate and seek spirituality. What kinds of deeds might a guru do to thoroughly put you off and shake any confidence you might have that he’s a real saint? How about he has sex with his young female seekers, and boasts of having had hundreds of them? How about he demands his followers give him large amounts of money, often their life savings, and he uses it to buy a fleet of Rolls Royces and other outlandish luxuries for himself? This is all well documented, and anyone can find out about it simply by visiting Wikipedia.

Do you still think he’s an enlightened saint, like the Buddha or Christ?

  • He claims he can perform miracles, but it is beneath himself to do so?
  • Claims to have been reincarnated many times and to have had an illustrious past as a series of enlightened masters.
  • Takes sleeping pills, Valium, and heroic doses of nitrous oxide (laughing gas).
  • Praises Hitler and denounces Gandhi.
  • Loves and praises money.
  • Looks down upon the poor and discriminates against them.
  • Is openly homophobic.
  • His ashram in Oregon orchestrated a bio-terror attack by deliberately spreading poison in salad bars to effect county elections.
  • His ashram plotted to assassinate politicians in Oregon who got in its way.
  • Some of his books were written for him by others.
  • His material was largely taken from other sources.
  • _______________________________________________________________________OSHO had no creativity and did nothing unique.____________________
  • On the Topic of Buddhism: Buddhism is often categorized as non-theistic because the religion doesn't concern itself with a capital-G, supreme creator god or with an emphasis on deities in general, but the vast majority of Buddhists still believe in gods and god-like entities, along with a whole host of other supernatural beings. ( I bet they do believe in "a whole host of other supernatural beings" ( if you are a Buddhist and you are dealing with "supernatural beings", they are demons taking many different forms ) 

  • It's so sad that these Buddhist monks were so spiritually deceived that they would soak themselves in gasoline and light themselves on fire, to supposedly protest the Vietnam war. This is an act of self-inflicted murder           ( suicide) did NOTHING to stop the war, and it did NOTHING to stop any act of violence. All it did was to waste a human life. 
  • Buddhism is  one of the biggest cults in the world, with over 520 million followers, and is getting very "popular" in America. 
  • The Popularity of Buddhism in itself is a big red flag. People do not inherently follow things that they true. People ( sheeple ) will usually run TO Lies, and Run FROM Truth. They would rather exist in comfortable lies than to accept uncomfortable truth. 

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