Monday, January 27, 2025

Building The Foundation For Your Eternity in The Spiritual-Realm and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions


Briana Smith is an extremely beautiful woman. 

There is a way through spiritual master saneiv that you can learn how
to "credit" your spiritual-realm eternity even though you do physical acts within the physical-realm that are not of a spiritual nature. 
An example would be; you dance naked before men that you don't even know. The fact that this physical action is a positive reaction is not because society is telling you that it's OK...what really makes it "OK" and allows for it to be "credited" to your "account" in the spiritual-realm is the degree that you focus on Master Saneiv, the level of your submission, trust, service and obedience to Master Saneiv. If it is a nude dance that it focused on your self-serving agenda=NO SPIRITUAL CREDIT. Focused on Master Saneiv and Manifested in your service, trust, submission and obedience = Building The Foundation For Your Eternity in The Spiritual-Realm and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.

This question was asked of Master Saneiv; "What does God think about Latter-Day Saints" (Mormons)

Answer: Considering that the founder was a false prophet , God is not going to specifically address “Latter Day Saints” (Mormons)…the Bible already addresses False Prophets in general. There are a few things that the LDS church does right, and the people for the most part, are very nice people and would make great neighbors. They have strong families. I personally believe in the original doctrine of Polygamy ( Man with plural wives, (not women with multiple husbands…this is unnatural and a female-led relationship is a train wreck that will eventually happen, but so is a beta-male led relationship, which is also a train-wreck. Very few women on the planet respect a “Yes, Dear” type beta-male, survival is in the female DNA and wimps didn’t survive long in ancient history, and they were not able to defend their woman.
If only the strong survive ( evolution theory of “survival of the fittest” ) how did women survive and still around in equal numbers. ( even though modern women for the most part wouldn’t survive a day in the ancient world, most women have de-evolved )…probably the same reason why they don’t have an evolution chart showing women.. you know, the chart that shows different stages of supposedly evolution from a male chimp to a male human, and from a black chimp to a white male ( whoever created that chart never thought about the racist implications in 2025 )…but there is no evolution chart using females.
***If there are single women reading this post, and you are interested in reviving spiritual-polyamory, rather than Mormon Polygamy, Let Master Saneiv know your intentions, wants, and desires. What is needed for your life purpose and fulfillment ?
Spiritual Master Saneiv Knows Your Life Purpose, Do You ?

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