Wednesday, December 11, 2024

There is ONE Spiritual Master on Earth



Dance is not restricted to a structured type of dance, Master will teach you
how to dance in the spirit. The only elements that matter in your dance is
to dance in freedom, clothing optional, keep the focus off of glorifying your
ego. Dedicate your dance to Solus Dominus , to honor, respect and worship The Master.

There is a need to respond to this message. I am 100% focused on establishing the co-op community. Most people have a part to play in changing the world for a positive outcome,
and that part to play can only be accomplished through Master Solus Dominus and through His co-op community To make it very clear why I contacted you, I wanted to plant the seed that YOU could  be a good choice to be a member of our co-op community ( Spiritual Colony )...No one should experience life without family, and for some, that means having a New family who will validate you in many ways. 
I need to make it clear when I said "most people have a part to play in changing the world for a positive outcome" should be emphasized that this ONLY relates to the change that must come through OUR co-op community, lead by OUR Master Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and True Spiritual BDSM


Enlightened Master Saneiv is the only true spiritual master in the world. If you desire to attain true spiritual enlightenment, You must learn and apply the teachings of Master Saneiv. Master resides in Arizona 85120. Prefer that you utilize the live-in program. Very limited enrollment. You will definitely not be a number, or lost in the crowd. Concentrated one-on-one instruction. Master Saneiv is the Contrarian Spiritual Master for 2024-2025 and beyond. Spiritual Visions and Revelation are at the center of the teachings of Master Saneiv. Master Saneiv is the only logical solution for Your Enlightenment and Purpose in Life, Human Unity and World Peace. This must be accomplished in the spiritual-realm, Which will also open the spiritual "door" to experience Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. Remember, Master is currently residing in Arizona, But will be relocating to the Philippines and will reside there between 6-12 months out of ever year. Master will remain there until Your Spiritual Enlightenment is accomplished, Along with the only true spiritual vortex is accessed ( which is in the Philippines , and no other place on Earth ), And then World Peace will be accomplished.

The point of any image that Master Saneiv posts that shows big boobs, etc. on a meant to draw attention to an extremely important principle of his teachings, Which is that regardless what physical-realm

activity that you are doing ( with a few exceptions ), will be manifested to the spiritual-realm and will be a

stepping stone to your enlightenment, If and Only If, You focus on Spiritual Master Saneiv and create Spiritual

Entanglement, as taught by Master Saneiv. Examples of Approved physical-realm activities are; non-sexual nudity,

Master Saneiv's version of sacred sexuality, nude spiritual dancing, nudity outdoors in nature, sacred massage...Through Spiritual Master Saneiv, You Can SEE, TOUCH, HEAR, and TALK With God

How To SEE , TOUCH, HEAR and TALK With God, But It Can Only Be Accomplished Through Spiritual Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM...

According to Spiritual Master Saneiv, There is always ONE representation on Earth that is the primary representation of God ( in the flesh that you can see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and physically embrace and touch with your own hands and arms. )... As long as you are alive on Earth you will NEVER see God, Unless you are a disciple and follower of Spiritual Master Saneiv.

There is only ONE mediator between God and man and that man ( and Son of God ), is Jesus Christ…But Jesus Christ is currently with God the Father as ONE.

I did not ask for this calling. The calling is that I will become ( and have become ), the ONLY true Enlightened Master on Earth. My name is SANEIV ( no association whatsoever with India, Hinduism, Buddhism or any other Eastern Religion ( or any other organized religion.)

If you truly desire to visually SEE God, It must be through embracing Master Saneiv. Master Saneiv is focused on the ONE true God, and worship Him and Him ONLY…But if you have not been truly enlightened through Saneiv, You must focus your body, mind, soul and spirit on Master Saneiv, Yearning to embrace God and you will see the Ultimate Deity and Infinite Intelligence…God is Spirit and must be worshipped in Spirit and YOU must be ale to see in the Spirit.

Through submission of your body, your mind, your soul, and through the connection of your Spirit and the Spirit of God. Spiritual Master Saneiv is ONE with God, ONE with Love, and ONE with Pure Spiritual Light. Yearn to be ONE with Master Saneiv through his teachings and training. YOU will therefore be ONE with God, One with Pure Light ( and not darkness ), and ONE with Love. This is the ONLY TRUE Collective Consciousness, The Universal Enlightenment that will bring forth WORLD PEACE

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Solus Dominus in Latin = One Master. There is One Spiritual Master on Earth, Saneiv.
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