Sunday, November 3, 2024

If You Are Not Willing to Sacrifice and Be a Sacrifice to Master Saneiv, You Are Not One of The Chosen


The Master's Version of Spiritual BDSM as a Stepping Stone To Enlightenment Is Not What You Think It Is. Obedience and Submission Are Necessary In The Process of Eliminating Your Ego. "Your Ego is NOT Your Amigo"

Whether you prefer a short video or a short eBook, It will provide the first baby step to attaining true spiritual enlightenment through the Master's version of SPIRITUAL BDSM

eBook link;

Regardless of age, You will be welcome in the Saneiv Spiritual Enlightenment Center in Arizona or the Philippines, If you have the right mind-set, commitment and dedication, along with obedience and submission to Master Saneiv. 
Master Saneiv has no pretense of piety ...if a woman is physically beautiful, it will be obviously, but it doesn't mean that she will enjoy any perks because of big tits and a pretty face, long legs, etc. The bottom line is that she ( and everyone else ) will be in service to Master Saneiv...this is the stepping stone to enlightenment. 

NOW is the time to take ACTION, Inquire to Master Saneiv is the start of your true spiritual journey.

Master has NO connection to any Eastern Religion ( including, but not limited to Hinduism ), No connection to Yoga, Eastern Meditation...or any other toxic / evil practice eg. Kundalini Yoga is extremely toxic.

on the other end of the age topic, you must be at least 18 years old
and be willing to acquire a strong work ethic. You have to work your
way to heaven, Enlightenment is not going to be handed to you on a 
silver platter. This isn't "scientology" being a famous celebrity is not a
ticket to any perks whatsoever. "ego is not your amigo" , you will be
cleaning toilets like everyone else. If a "famous" member gets special
treatment that should be a HUGE red flag. 

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