Monday, November 4, 2024

How the Left Stole Evangelicalism | Communism and Toxic Feminism

Master Saneiv promotes Polyamory under his direction.

Nudity is not sex, and Master Saneiv promotes nudity in nature.
Here are 3 "controversial" topics that Master Saneiv promotes;
  • Polyamory / Polygyny
  • Appropriate Nudity ( preferably in nature )
  • Patriarchy 
  • Christian / Spiritual BDSM, rather than Christian Domestic Discipline
  • In Biblical times the government did not invade the individual family by requiring
  • a permit / marriage license to be "legally" married. Master Saneiv does NOT promote marriage in America. The government has destroyed the morality of a real marriage. A current marriage in America has nothing to do with "marriage before God, and if it is not a marriage before God, It is nothing but a piece of paper. Currently , the primary purpose of "legal marriage" is to set up a scenario to transfer the financial assets to the woman, and also destroy the family by doing their best to make sure that the biological Father cannot raise his own children or to even visit his children. There is definitely no equality when it comes to visitation of your own children after a divorce. Considering that it is the woman that initiates 90% of divorces. According to the government, Women cheat sexually and rather than having consequences to their actions, The government REWARDS their bad behavior. It's too easy in our "modern" society for women to cheat, go with a new guy who will be NOW raising YOUR children, and get you out of the picture. Contrary to the agenda of the government , this is a very evil environment when the government is involved in your Christian life. Also, contrary to a popular motto that is being perpetuated in our society, which is actually a communist principle, it does NOT "take a village to raise a child" ...The agenda is that the LEFT wants your children. It should take a Mother AND Father to properly raise children. Christians in 2024 have the same divorce rate as secular society.           

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