Saturday, September 7, 2024

Christian Nonsense Needs to Stop | "Run Don't Walk" Away From Greedy Pastors


Women are NOT to be Pastors, and there is no such thing as a Modern Day 
"Apostle" 1Timothy 2:12 ), Even with the original Apostles in the Bible,
Jesus picked 12 MEN. If male-female roles are very important to Jesus, Then
it is very important to us, or at least should be very important to all Christians.
There are specific and separate roles for men and women, Regardless what the
government is trying to cram down the throats of American and EU society.
Christian Men should be Head of Household, Period. 
Toxic Feminism has invaded the Christian church, and it is destroying the Church
and Destroying America. I think that it is funny and sad at the same time, That Muslims
in America never seem to be criticized for their view on Women and Homosexuality,
But American Christians take all of the persecution if they even bring up the topic 
that a man should be Head of Household. It is pathetic that the Christian church
In the video, why do they keep using "Rodney Howard Brown" ? First, Middle and Last Name, like they do with serial killers. 
It is pathetic that the Christian church has reached this point in the United States...and a lot  of people actually show up for this nonsense...a circus for the goats, actually SHEEP , and I don't mean that in the Biblical sense.

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