Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What is The Highest Spiritual Level ? | Find Out Through Enlightened Master Saneiv

 Potential Students of Master Saneiv, Without any comprehension of the

spiritual-realm pre-judge ( in a negative way ), the necessity of non-sexual

nudity and the Master's version of spiritual BDSM and Polyamory.

Saneiv, The only true enlightened spiritual master in the world.

This is the third video in the series of videos about Spiritual Master

Saneiv.  You can view the third video by 8/15/2024 

https://youtube.com/@EnlightenedMaster_Saneiv ( go to our

Youtube channel to view the intro videos )

Master Saneiv resides in Apache Junction, Arizona 85120  

If you desire to attain true spiritual enlightenment, You must start 

with contacting Master Saneiv. If you cannot do this simple request, 

How will you expect to embrace, absorb and manifest 

Master Saneiv's teachings. When you submit to the teachings of 

Master Saneiv, You will be guaranteed true enlightenment. You will 

no longer be a human, bound and limited in the physical-realm. 

Master Saneiv is connected to God in Spirit. Master Saneiv has 

evolved in the spiritual-realm to be One with God. Master Saneiv

will teach you how you can evolve to be One with Master Saneiv, 

and you will therefore be One with God, Who is Pure Light and Love.

If you do not desire to live life to the highest spiritual level , Which 

can only be achieved through Master Saneiv, Then his teachings are 

not for you. 

Remember that the "highest spiritual level" is not related to religion. 

Will you do what is necessary to attain true spiritual enlightenment ? 

The process and journey all begins with contacting Master Saneiv. 

            Non-sexual Nudity and Master Saneiv's version of Spiritual BDSM,

is a very important stepping stone to true spiritual enlightenment. 

When you become an enlightened spirit-human, the human part of your "self' must still exist in the physical-realm, Yes, you will still need to have a roof over your head, eat, drink water, etc...
Nudity ( preferably in nature setting ), and spiritual BDSM, is necessary because this is how you learn to convert physical-realm activities into a spiritual -realm stepping stone...the journey of spiritual truth that brings you to true spiritual enlightenment. Master Saneiv's version of Spiritual BDSM, Meditation, True Enlightenment, Why Yoga is Toxic, are All Contrarian, Unique...Are based in Master Saneiv's Personal Visions and Revelation.

These links are NOT recommended , They are just used as a "tag"
Honestly, Attempting to define "spirituality" just shows that you know nothing about true spirituality.

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True Spiritual Enlightenment Japan | Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu

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