Wednesday, July 17, 2024

If You Think That On a Global Level American Women Are Highly Prized, You Must Be Smoking Crack

 The government, global elite, and most mega-corporations have an agenda for many things that are NOT in the best interest of the average person, the average say the least. Call me delusional, But I don't think that Global Slavery is in your best interest. 

One of things that is an agenda ( and has been promoted for the last 30+ years ), is mocking beautiful things in our society. Beautiful women are mocked, and have been replaced by obese, beauty challenged women with really bad attitudes. Do you think that most American men want to deal with the brainwashed crap of the average American woman ? If you do, you must be smoking crack and/or sniffing a lot of glue. 

No real man with a backbone is going to put up with the shit dished out by 90% of American women ( I feel sorry for the other 10% that really are good girls, rather than gold digging whores, and just whores in general. 50% of high schools in America have had an STD by the time they graduate from their Indoctrination Center ( it's too far of a reach to call them schools in the traditional sense. 


In 5 years or less there is a huge change coming in society, Related to interaction
between men and women...and trust me, Women are not going to like this change, at this point and time, I'm not going to remove the veil of this Prophecy. 

Solus Dominus, In Latin is "One Master". Saneiv, is from a Language that you do not know, and may never know. 
The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual-Christian Prophecy. Solus Dominus Can Transform You Into a Spirit Human Who Can travel at The Speed of Thought to Infinite Dimensions. This Topic is More Than The Vast Majority of Humankind Can Truly Comprehend. The Truth is That Infinite Spiritual Dimensions is only a Small Part of What Master Teaches. Will you be one of the few chosen ?
Kick Feminism out of every corner of society. It is destroying families and destroying America. Bring back true feminine, moral Women, and Dominant Alpha Men, Men who actually have a backbone, and are not going to put up with the Feminist Agenda. 

The proverbial statement; The message can only go as far as the $Dollar can carry it. 

This Ministry, and the Christian Communal Living ( co-op community ), That is closely related to the ministry can be YOUR Destiny. Some ( maybe a lot ), of the attention will be focused on the Very Negative Aspects of the so-called Christian Church in 2023 ( and has developed to this current condition during the last 50 years )...WARNING: This ministry is definitely NOT "politically correct" , But if you have already been indoctrinated, Then you probably wouldn't be reading this right now. The Bible ( which is the source for God's word and is God's word, through REAL Prophets and Disciples of Jesus Christ ), Today, It's "Profits" , Not Prophets. Many of the topics that I teach are definitely NOT accepted by the general public, and even the majority of the "Christian Population"                ( generally speaking, we will referred to as the "Sheeple" )...Here are a few examples of topics that we will discuss; So-called Christian women have reached new lows. This is not an absolute, But the most physically attractive women, with attractive / fit figures, are NOT Christian women. Family and gender roles should be clearly defined. Christian men need to get their act together and start being masculine men who are the Head of Their Household, and NOT tolerate the rebellious, feminist, non-submissive attitudes of women who claim their are Christians. A Christian woman can be an Alpha Female, But not with your boyfriend or husband. A Christian woman needs to know her place, and her role in the relationship and in the family. If God says that being a cross dresser is not only a sin, but is an abomination, Obviously God takes roles that He created, very seriously. Being SAVED from Eternity in Hell by accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, Because His blood is what is covering your sins ( John 3:16 ), and on a day-to-day basis, The next focus will be Earthly RELATIONSHIPS and APPROPRIATE ROLES, Which in 2023 in America, is EXTREMELY MESSED UP ( For Now, I will just leave it at that )...Direct your questions to; 

A Female Lead relationship is a Train Wreck, But a female will usually step up and fill the void in a relationship, if the man will not take the leadership role. Never marry a so-called Christian woman if there is any hint whatsoever that she has been indoctrinated with the Toxic Feminist Agenda. Respect the women that deserve respect, and have earned respect. A woman is either a sail or an anchor. Women were created to be a helper to their husband, Period ! Women were not created to be to "empowered" or "self-actualized" or any other part of the "FAN" ( Feminist Agenda Nonsense )


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