Sunday, June 2, 2024

The Master is a *Contrarian*, So don't expect *conformist* answers to life's biggest questions.

 There are no multiple / plural spiritual masters or gurus. Saneiv is the ONE Spiritual Master in the world. Attain true spiritual enlightenment and be a key figure in attaining World Peace, once enlightened through Saneiv. Master is located in Arizona,

The Master is a *Contrarian*, So don't expect *conformist* answers to life's biggest questions.

The government needs to stop this crap and throw these people in prison for life.

But we have a vice president in the United States that started a link in Minnesota donating funds to make sure that the violent antifa rioters would never do any jail time. 

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The Opportunity That Stands Before You Is Either Saneiv's Enlightenment or Spiritual Death

Please do NOT listen to anyone who gives you advice on "how to find an enlightened master"...This is a ludicrous concept, to find ...