Thursday, April 18, 2024

The Only True Enlightened Master, Solus Dominus, Is Seeking The Right Female Partner LTR

 If You Are a "Member" of this blog , Then Take The Next Step And Make Contact With The Only True Spiritual Master of Enlightenment.

You Can Be An Alpha Female , But You Must Still Be Submissive and Obedient to Your Master to actually be on the Physical, Emotional, and Mental -level to Transition to the Spiritual-level..the Key to The Only True "Door" to Attain Enlightenment Through the Master Solus Domins.
Master prefers a woman as his partner who is between ( approximately ) 4ft. 10 inch 85 lbs. and 5ft. 8 in. 120 lbs ( and yes, there are exceptions ), Race and/or Nationality of the woman is irrelevant. As stated earlier, Must be submissive and obedient. Must be a consensual ADULT 18+


A woman must earn their collar 

The supreme service which humans can render to evolving humans is to answer for them, dynamically, the great unanswerable question concerning the One universal force which humans call God, or Mind, or by other names.

You can learn to do what no other humans can do.

You will learn to attain true spiritual enlightenment

You will learn that there is a Realm that is beyond complete submission

You can learn that there is sex ( Master's sacred sexuality ) that is beyond any 

sexual experience that you have ever had, or will ever have without the Master's guided

training sessions.  Master Solus Dominus will provide you with the "tools" needed to 

experience Infinite Spiritual Dimensions through your personal travel at the speed of 

thought to any spiritual dimension, Dimensions that you never knew existed...Also 

dimensions that YOU create. If you want to create the ultimate dimension of sexual 

pleasure, Then it will be attainable. 

Contact Master Solus Dominus for more information. 

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