Friday, February 16, 2024

Currently in Arizona and The Master's Inner Circle Will be in Arizona | #Philippines #Arizona


For centuries, science has been searching for the WHY of things in matter and does not seem to realize that the WHY is not in matter at all, nor in space. Space is as much matter as planets are but of an opposite form, potential and purpose. There is something beyond the matter of galaxies and space which the senses cannot fathom but the consciousness can. Beyond that range lies the cause of it, the WHY of it.

In trying to awaken within man an awareness of the Source of all science and philosophy by knowing God's ways sufficiently to make them man's ways, The author of this knowledge has pictured the orderliness, the symmetry and the balance which all Nature expresses. He explains how Nature perpetually polarizes and depolarizes in its every expression, just as you do in your every action and in every second of your life in your brea things, but you are not aware of it.
The fulcrum from which all power springs is KNOWLEDGE. When man has that omniscience which is unfolding in cosmic man, he will no longer misuse, break or disobey God's law because of being unaware of it. He will command it because he will know the law. The "life and death" cycles of man and of the elements

You must kneel to your Master, Solus Dominus.
There are two main projects that the Master has focused on, before being able
to connect with Infinite Spiritual Intelligence on your behalf. The two projects ( needs vs.  wants ) are; 1) Find the Right female starting with a long-term Throuple / Poly / Closed Triad, which will be the Inner Circle of the Master's co-op community. 
2) At least 3-4 months per year, possibly ful-time, with the right investor(s) involved in this project. The Master's Spiritual co-op community must also be established in the Philippines.

We are living in an era of deception, Whether it is on a Spiritual or Political level. Don't be one of the Sheeple , Open your spiritual eyes and your mind, that you have the opportunity standing right before you, to live and be taught by the one and only true Spiritual Master. ( True Spirituality, Not organized religion. 

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This Dalai Lama is a fraud in Gucci shoes

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