CONSENSUAL ADULTS ONLY 18+...Seeking INVESTORS and MEMBERS, For The Master's Spiritual Enlightenment Center. True Enlightenment Can Only Be Attained Through Master Saneiv. Nudity and Sacred Sexuality, Master Saneiv's Version of Spiritual BDSM is One of The Foundational Stepping Stones of True Spiritual Enlightenment. With Master Saneiv There is No Spiritual or Religious Pretense. You Can Come and Go As You Please. |
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Monday, February 26, 2024
Dark World of New Age Gurus in America and Europe | Pick Your Spiritual Leader Very Carefully
The Uncomfortable Truth is That There Are Only Two Spiritual Vortexes in The World
There are only two spiritual vortexes in the world, One is in the Philippines,
Saturday, February 24, 2024
Friday, February 23, 2024
One Step Towards Psychic Supernatural Women's Self-Defense #martialarts
One Step Towards Psychic Supernatural Women's Self-Defense #martialarts
Thursday, February 22, 2024
Women, When Are You Going To Join The Safety of The Master's Psychic Self-Defense ?
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Women, When Are You Going To Join The Safety of The Master's Psychic Self-Defense ?
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Women Are The Highest Level of Natural Art | #love #women #poly #polyamorous #triad #throuple
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Every Woman Wants to Feel Small and Have Her Man Break Her
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Bi-Ladies There is a Great Opportunity for Being in a Trouple #poly #polyamorous #love
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Do You Really Want Global Peace ? It Starts With Solus Dominus, The Only True Enlightened Master
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Do You REALLY Want Global Peace and Unity or Not
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Tuesday, February 20, 2024
I'm Talking To The Bi-Ladies Out There | #trouble #poly #polyamory #love
I'm talking to the bi-ladies out there. Talk to my Master first, and let's see if it's a good fit. The main thing that Master and I are focusing on; Finding the RIGHT feminine, submissive female to join us in our family dynamic, Closed Triad ( monogamous within our Throuple ). If you are a male , it is also possible to join our family, But it would be in the form of a Quad, Because you would need to be in a long-term relationship with a female, and be financially stable. If you are a solo male, You will need to be at a high-level of financial success, and in the future be actively seeking a submissive female that is interested in a Quad relationship. Any female that you would want to join us, must be "voted in" by us. If a female / female couple is interested in joining us, both should be feminine and submissive ( even if one partner is an alpha female ), both must be collared by Master. Just so you know. Both of us are employed, work full-time +, in a professional environment, ( one at home and one outside of the home ). If you are outside of the Phoenix area, You must relocate at your own expense. If you cannot relocate, But have a strong interest to join our family Throuple / Quad , let us know what your situation is, and we will be open for a possible compromise related to location.
Friday, February 16, 2024
How To Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment | #spirituality #love #throuple #polyamory
For centuries, science has been searching for the WHY of things in matter and does not seem to realize that the WHY is not in matter at all, nor in space. Space is as much matter as planets are but of an opposite form, potential and purpose. There is something beyond the matter of galaxies and space which the senses cannot fathom but the consciousness can. Beyond that range lies the cause of it, the WHY of it.
Currently in Arizona and The Master's Inner Circle Will be in Arizona | #Philippines #Arizona
For centuries, science has been searching for the WHY of things in matter and does not seem to realize that the WHY is not in matter at all, nor in space. Space is as much matter as planets are but of an opposite form, potential and purpose. There is something beyond the matter of galaxies and space which the senses cannot fathom but the consciousness can. Beyond that range lies the cause of it, the WHY of it.
Currently in Arizona and The Master's Inner Circle Will be in Arizona | #Philippines #Arizona
For centuries, science has been searching for the WHY of things in matter and does not seem to realize that the WHY is not in matter at all, nor in space. Space is as much matter as planets are but of an opposite form, potential and purpose. There is something beyond the matter of galaxies and space which the senses cannot fathom but the consciousness can. Beyond that range lies the cause of it, the WHY of it.
Thursday, February 15, 2024
Wednesday, February 14, 2024
Friday, February 9, 2024
Do You Want To Know How Spiritual BDSM Can Be a Stepping Stone to Enlightenment
This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.
Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …
As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.
The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus.
Light and Unconditional Love are One and The Same, Through The Spiritual Master Solus Dominus
This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.
Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …
As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.
The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus.
Being With The One True Spiritual Master is Your Destiny and Life Purpose
This is a side note about your question, and then you can read a general note from The Master, below this first message. God, ( Infinite Spiritual Intelligence, Where Love and Light are One ), The Only way that you will be able to truly “move on” is to “move into” , and this refers to the fact that everything that has ever existed, still exists, just not here in this specific dimension. There are 2 main ways that you can “move in” and experience, and even alter reality in Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. I.E. You can visit and experience your “past life” …The true definition of “past life” is not how people define it in spirituality communities, or how “so-called masters” define it. Master Solus Dominus is the Only Spirit-Human who can teach you how to visit the correct Infinite Spiritual Dimension at the speed of thought, Not the speed of light. Physics is limited by being in the Physical-realm. Speed of light is limited and to a physicst, Dimensions are limited. Our key word and principle is Spiritual ( Spiritual Dimensions ) If this is of interest to you, Let Master know and we can start the communication process.
Greetings, Nothing personal, But I would prefer if people on this site would think twice about asking questions related to Kundalini / Kundalini Yoga, Considering that it is a horrific CULT and has damaged and/or destroyed a LOT of people. It’s very easy to Google this topic and how it was founded as a very toxic cult. Most of the questions that people ask about Kundalini, are actually trying to promote the cult, but is disguised as a “questions” …
As the Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment , Anyone that is accepted to train with Master, Once you embrace the training, all of your questions will take care of themselves. Most questions related to spirituality on this site are related to a “solution to a problem that doesn’t exist” IF ( and only IF ), You are enlightened or in the process of being enlightened through Solus Dominus.
The volume of requests that I receive is so high, for questions related to the spiritual-realm, That I need to go back to general posts, rather than answering specific questions, Unless the person becomes a student / follower, Then the training itself will answer all of your questions, Not only on a personal level, But also related to why the teaching of The Master Solus Dominus will not only enlighten your “self” and your “being”, But you will learn how Infinite Spiritual Intelligence for Global Unity and Global Peace is very possible, But ONLY through the One and Only True Spiritual Master, Solus Dominus. It might sound like a paradox to teach the Only True Way to Global Peace ( a Global Spiritual Movement ), and at the same time, Knowing that the human nature of the average unenlightened person is to run TO lies, and run FROM truth. You will learn how this “contradiction in terms, concepts and principles” can be overcome through Solus Dominus.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Join The Master's Spiritual Harem in Arizona | No Connection to Islam
I Appreciate That You Are Viewing My Blog But You Need To Step Out in Faith and Join Master in Person
Master's training has nothing to do with Nude Yoga, or any other aspect of Yoga. Kundalini Yoga is not only very toxic, but is very da...
This is the only Wordpress blog that I will be using in the future, Until a member or an investor comes forward https://spiritualenlightenm...
Last, But Definitely Not Least, The Pinnacle of Human Existence and Endeavor is Attaining THE ONLY TRUE SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT THAT EX...