Friday, November 3, 2023

Vanilla Dating Site Profile on Match

                 I have had many books and journals published through Amazon, This is just an                     example of a cover of one of the Journals. Be careful of the Amazon                                       "policies". I am looking for a new publisher. 

Just to get this out of the way first. A high percentage of women on dating sites say they are looking for a serious relationship, But in reality, what they are looking for is constant entertainment ( man paid ) trips, restaurant meals, ocean cruise, ski trips, the never ending list. The guy is the "court jester" who's function is to keep them entertained. I'm definitely NOT the right guy if this describes you. I have several projects and a business that I am trying to revive. Whatever woman that is going to be in my life has to prioritize. I'm not asking a woman to take the "back seat" in my life, But I know what I want in life and the type of woman that I want to be with. 

No desire to communicate with any feminists, indoctrinated ( brainwashed ) females. There is no "equality" or "equal partnerships" in real relationships. Any woman that I would be in a relationship with deserves respect, But the world is structured around the fact that you are a Dominant or a submissive. I'm not interested in a "robot" or a "doormat", But I am looking for a woman who "knows her place" ( which does not mean the Kitchen, It means that she is content and fulfilled with her unique role. 

Women should be looking for a Leader, not an "equal" . I respect women, but I will always be the leader of the home and leader of the relationship. If you want a soft, weak man with no backbone, then I am definitely not the right man for you. 

I'm Old School and proud of it. If you believe that there are more than 2 genders, then it's best if you keep surfing other profiles. I don't tolerate drama ( or at least unnecessary   drama. ) 

I am a professional writer, and the future director of my own co-op community in Arizona and Texas. I have very extensive and unique life experiences, including living and working overseas in luxury areas, and also "hot spots" ( I have been in Special Operations as a civilian for the U.S. Army ). I know that it will come off as arrogant ( do you want to know who you might be meeting or not ? ), I have a very extensive background in Sports and Academia, including Motorcycle Racing and Boxing on a professional level. And I'm not going to bore you with my University background ( which is mostly memorizing information in text books, not based in intelligence or real-life experiences ( so if you are the " I am woman, hear me roar" type and bragging about your 3 college degrees, don't waste your time.)

If you have already been indoctrinated to "never serve a man", that's fine, just don't message me, because it will be a waste of time. Maybe I might be making you coffee, and serve it to you with a unique love note every morning. I also like to give strong hugs and at the same time, I might give you a strong spank as you walk away. Spanking adult women, and giving great hugs, both do very good things in your brain ( releasing beneficial chemicals ), It's also my "love language"

I'm a contrarian in many areas. Typical guy asks " where do you want to go to eat ?" . I will decide where we eat, and if you hate that type of food, let me know. 

I have no problem with communication on ANY level or ANY subject. I never water-down conversation. I do not receive my validation from any woman. 

I know that it sounds like a paradox, But I like to sometimes go to a couple of the big parks in my area and put in some walking time ( even better walking with a woman ), and sometimes fly kites. I'm ALWAYS very honest, regardless of consequences. I have several projects and a business that I am in the process of reviving. You have to be open-minded enough to learn what real BD*M and Spiritual BD*M is all about, Not the media version, or the ignorance of the public version, or "fifty shades of gray" , this is what my business is related to, BD*M products. I have been a Master and Daddy Dom for 20+ years. I will also be very honest, that I feel a little like a "fish out of water" in "regular" ( vanilla ) dating and relationships. Not very many men can truthfully say that every woman that they have known for the last 20 years has always given them the respect to always call them "Sir" "Daddy" or "Master"... If you still want to communicate in a positive way, Let me know. 


Just to get this out of the way first. A high percentage of women on dating sites say they are looking for a serious relationship, But in reality, what they are looking for is constant entertainment ( man paid ) trips, restaurant meals, ocean cruise, ski trips, the never ending list. The guy is the "court jester" who's function is to keep them entertained. I'm definitely NOT the right guy if this describes you. I have several projects and a business that I am trying to revive. Whatever woman that is going to be in my life has to prioritize. I'm not asking a woman to take the "back seat" in my life, But I know what I want in life and the type of woman that I want to be with. 

No desire to communicate with any indoctrinated feminists,  There is no "equality" or "equal partnerships" in real relationships. Any woman that I would be in a relationship with deserves respect, But the world is structured around the fact that you are a Dominant or a submissive. I'm not interested in a "robot" or a "doormat", But I am looking for a woman who "knows her place" ( which does not mean the Kitchen, It means that she is content and fulfilled with her unique role. 

Women should be looking for a Leader, not an "equal" . I respect women, but I will always be the leader of the home and leader of the relationship. If you want a soft, weak man with no backbone, then I am definitely not the right man for you. 

I am a professional writer, and the future director of my own co-op community in Arizona and Texas. I have very extensive and unique life experiences, including living and working overseas in luxury areas, and also "hot spots" ( I have been in Special Operations as a civilian for the U.S. Army ). I know that it will come off as arrogant ( do you want to know who you might be meeting or not ? ), I have a very extensive background in Sports and Academia, including Motorcycle Racing and Boxing on a professional level. And I'm not going to bore you with my University background ( which is mostly memorizing information in text books, not based in intelligence or real-life experiences ( so if you are the " I am woman, hear me roar" type and bragging about your 3 college degrees, don't waste your time.)

If you have already been indoctrinated to "never serve a man", that's fine, just don't message me, because it will be a waste of time. Maybe I might be making you coffee, and serve it to you with a unique love note every morning. I also like to give strong hugs and at the same time, I might give you a strong spank as you walk away. Spanking adult women, and giving great hugs, both do very good things in your brain ( releasing beneficial chemicals ), It's also my "love language"

I'm a contrarian in many areas. Typical guy asks " where do you want to go to eat ?" . I will decide where we eat, and if you hate that type of food, let me know. 

I have no problem with communication on ANY level or ANY subject. I never water-down conversation. I do not receive my validation from any woman. 

You have to be open-minded enough to learn what real BD*SM and Spiritual BDSM is all about, Not the media version, or the ignorance of  public opinion, or "fifty shades of gray" , this is what my business is related to, BDSM products. I have been a Master and Daddy Dom for 20+ years. I will also be very honest, that I feel a little like a "fish out of water" in "regular" ( vanilla ) dating and relationships. Not very many men can truthfully say that every woman that they have known for the last 20 years has always given them the respect to always call them "Sir" "Daddy" or "Master"... It's funny and sad at the same time, that the public has been brainwashed that BDSM is based in sex and abuse. The public is generally very ignorant, and their concept of BDSM is way off base. 

If you still want to communicate in a positive way, Let me know. Thanks, Don

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