Monday, October 30, 2023

Andrew Tate | The Government Is Trying To Censor The Truth

4 Blunt Truths Women Don't Want Men To Know

4 Blunt Truths Women Don't Want Men To Know

Top 3 Female Professions Most Likely To Cheat

Top 3 Female Professions Most Likely To Cheat

Reacting To Lectures By Women

Reacting To Lectures By Women

We Must STOP Climate Brats

This INSANE New Female Trend is Making Women Ugly

This INSANE New Female Trend is Making Women Ugly

Sunday, October 29, 2023

What Does a Beautiful Woman Really Bring to the Table ?


There is not a female on the planet that is "out of my league", 

if this is all she brings to the relationship.

Hello, I also know that you probably have assets that are far more important than 
superficial beauty. I am not an overly-demanding man, But you need to bring more to the (relationship) table than having big tits and a pretty face. 
Looking for the right, open-minded woman to be by my side in a possible LTR. My life calling is operating the Solus Dominus spiritual co-op community, and it is a dynamic that is based in *Polyamory*, and that dynamic is also *nonsexual*. 

I  am very intelligent, physically fit leader who is physically, mentally and emotionally strong.

 I have been in sports most of my life, always as a competitor, not as a spectator, which is another example of what separates the men from the boys. 

I have extensive and unique life experiences.

Gym 5-6 days per week, Ex-Special Forces U.S. Army. I have lived and worked overseas.

Still involved in my own business start-up and other projects. Looking for the right woman to compliment my life, and hopefully I will compliment and improve your life.  

I don't compromise on my "life code", for anyone, and that includes any woman on the planet. There is also not a woman on the planet that is "out of my league."

Guaranteed that you have never met anyone like me, and never will ( unless you are in my life. ) The "vibe" that I project is a masculine, old school Daddy that is straight-forward and confident.

I am a professional writer, inventor and lifetime creative.

Only Females Can Attain Deity Status and Only Through Master Solus Dominus


Focus Your Dance to Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of

Spiritual Enlightenment, and It Will Be Part of Your Stepping Stone

To Your Own Enlightenment, Someday You Will Attain ( Male )

Spiritual Enlightenment Master, or ( Female ) Goddess. 

Only an Enlightened Female Through Solus Dominus, Can Embrace

and Become One With The Master, To Open The True Spiritual Vortex,

and hint, hint, It's not in Sedona, Arizona. It's in South East Asia and will

not be revealed until the Chosen Goddess , attends the location with The Master.

The Chosen Goddess can be currently residing in any country, But this historical

event will not happen until the co-op community is developed through the right

investor(s). It is not a "return on investment" type of venture. This is the time in

world history that the Truth, the Answers will be revealed to mankind. Otherwise,

War, Famine, and Disease will destroy Planet Earth. This has been revelated to 

Master Solus Dominus through Revelation and Vision.

1 Clothing Optional Dance Direct Worship to Master Solus Dominus. 1


Most Dance Movements are effective stepping stones to Spiritual Enlightenment, Only is dedicated to Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Focus Your Worship to The Master, and Not Your Self (Ego) and You Will Manifest From Physical ( Dance ) Realm to the Door of The Spiritual-Realm. Remember that Yoga is Toxic.

Monday, October 16, 2023

WANTED: ROOMMATE / ROOM SHARE | East Mesa, Arizona | Be The Successor To The Master's System


Unless you have been "Chosen" ( everyone has been called to be with The Master, Solus Dominus, But very few are Chosen to be with The Master ), You will take the appropriate ACTION to be with Master. For all the others, It's unfortunate, But they will always be "all the others" that never experience the greatest experience in life and eternity, By being Enlightened through The Master, Solus Dominus.


ROOMMATE NEEDED: ( East Mesa, Arizona ), Master  USUALLY ACCEPTS FEMALES ONLY , But will consider having a male roommate if you can also bring some level of financial investment to the table. At this *stage* of the development of the Master's co-op communities, will your living arrangement be as luxurious as you are familiar with ? No. But it will it be more beneficial to you in the long run if you are my "roomie". I use the term "roommate" , But in reality, you will be a live-in member of the Master's community, Whether the community has 1 member or a 1,000 members.

Contact Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

WANTED: ROOMMATE / ROOM SHARE | East Mesa, Arizona | Be The Successor To The Master's System


Unless you have been "Chosen" ( everyone has been called to be with The Master, Solus Dominus, But very few are Chosen to be with The Master ), You will take the appropriate ACTION to be with Master. For all the others, It's unfortunate, But they will always be "all the others" that never experience the greatest experience in life and eternity, By being Enlightened through The Master, Solus Dominus.


ROOMMATE NEEDED: ( East Mesa, Arizona ), Master  USUALLY ACCEPTS FEMALES ONLY , But will consider having a male roommate if you can also bring some level of financial investment to the table. At this *stage* of the development of the Master's co-op communities, will your living arrangement be as luxurious as you are familiar with ? No. But it will it be more beneficial to you in the long run if you are my "roomie". I use the term "roommate" , But in reality, you will be a live-in member of the Master's community, Whether the community has 1 member or a 1,000 members.

Contact Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

Sunday, October 15, 2023

When Teen Killers Realize They've Been Caught

Not positive, But you can almost guarantee that everyone involved in this crime, That no one has any male father figure in their home growing up. ( or at least no appropriate Father figure in the home ), With Amber and Kyle, there is a POS stepfather involved. 
And the same goes for most, if not all, of these school shooters, have their Father in the home. Amber Wright, the minor has her Mom with her in the interrogation room. This is very common. Since the 1950's, America has gone steadily down hill, and a big part of the problem is the government intentionally promoting the weakening of the traditional family, by using the excuse that they are elevating the "power" of women in marriage, making divorce as easy as possible, making sure that they can have kids ( married or not ), and the taxpayers will pay the bills for the Mother sleeping around, ( and don't think that it's some rare scenario, that a woman has 5 or more kids, from 3-5 different males ), as a male, the deck is stacked against you when you go to family court. 


When Teen Killers Realize They've Been Caught

Not positive, But you can almost guarantee that everyone involved in this crime, That no one has any male father figure in their home growing up. ( or at least no appropriate Father figure in the home ), With Amber and Kyle, there is a POS stepfather involved. 
And the same goes for most, if not all, of these school shooters, have their Father in the home. Amber Wright, the minor has her Mom with her in the interrogation room. This is very common. Since the 1950's, America has gone steadily down hill, and a big part of the problem is the government intentionally promoting the weakening of the traditional family, by using the excuse that they are elevating the "power" of women in marriage, making divorce as easy as possible, making sure that they can have kids ( married or not ), and the taxpayers will pay the bills for the Mother sleeping around, ( and don't think that it's some rare scenario, that a woman has 5 or more kids, from 3-5 different males ), as a male, the deck is stacked against you when you go to family court. 


Crossroads Baker

Are You Interested in Preparing Before The Events of The Near Future Happen ?

Doesn't Take a Genius to Figure Out The Near Future Through Human Nature of Violence

Join the Master's Spiritual co-op community for safety in an off-grid community.

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Join The Master's #Spiritual Co-Op #Community | #WomensSelfDefense


Join The Master's #Spiritual Co-Op #Community | #WomensSelfDefense


Many Things Can Contribute to Spiritual Enlightenment Through Master Solus Dominus


                                                               Very Beautiful Woman !!!

Hello, I also know that you probably have assets that are far more important than 
superficial beauty. I am not an overly-demanding man, But you need to bring more to the (relationship) table than having big tits and a pretty face. 
Looking for the right, open-minded woman to be by my side in a possible LTR. My life calling is operating the Solus Dominus spiritual co-op community, and it is a dynamic that is based in *Polyamory*, and that dynamic is also *nonsexual*. 

I  am very intelligent, physically fit leader who is physically, mentally and emotionally strong.

 I have been in sports most of my life, always as a competitor, not as a spectator, which is another example of what separates the men from the boys. 

I have extensive and unique life experiences.

Gym 5-6 days per week, Ex-Special Forces U.S. Army. I have lived and worked overseas.

Still involved in my own business start-up and other projects. Looking for the right woman to compliment my life, and hopefully I will compliment and improve your life.  

I don't compromise on my "life code", for anyone, and that includes any woman on the planet. There is also not a woman on the planet that is "out of my league."

Guaranteed that you have never met anyone like me, and never will ( unless you are in my life. ) The "vibe" that I project is a masculine, old school Daddy that is straight-forward and confident.

I am a professional writer, inventor and lifetime creative.

Stepping Stones to Enlightenment, Starting With Spiritual Virginity

                                               Spiritual Virginity is not Physical Virginity.


FYI, there is not a woman on the planet who is "out of my league" .Women, you only want what you can't have or what another woman has. You were born with beauty, great. It can be a blessing or a curse.

Nudity and BDSM is a stepping stone to True Spiritual BDSM and Sacred Sexuality, if You Are Under the Leadership and Instruction of Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Then you will progress from Spiritual BDSM to True Spiritual Enlightenment. One of the key principles of the Master, Solus Dominus is that you must regain your
Spiritual Virginity, Which requires that you allow your mind-set to be altered ( in an extremely positive way ), so that you can delete all of the negative, toxic, pre-conceived ideas and false teaching of Yoga, Meditation, The New Age Melting Pot, Occult Practices, and many more...The Master is a Contrarian Master, Which means that most of his teaching, principles, protocol, rituals, applications, etc. go against what the Sheeple practice.
It is physical-realm human nature to run to Lies and run From Truth. This has been a fact of life, since there has been life on Earth.

spirituality, bdsm, #rituals #protocol #manifestation #occult #newage #spiritualvirginity #enlightenedmaster #enlightenedmasters ( there is ONE Master, not plural )

People Are Following False Teachings Written by False Teachers

     Why would anyone want a Christian Leader / Pastor who was not Spiritually Enlightened,  and a Spirit-Human. I am NOT Jesus Christ, But ...