Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Yoga and The Cult of OSHO | Many Dangerous Cults Use Yoga-Based Brainwashing


You must know what is NOT Spiritual Enlightenment, and what actually has NO Spiritual Benefits whatsoever, BEFORE you can have the correct mind-set, to know what TRUE Spiritual Enlightenment is...To use a realistic self-defense concept and principle, You must know what a realistic attack is like, Before you can train to Defend yourself and use realistic Defense in the real world. Traditional Asian Martial Arts are full of "Solutions to Problems That Don't Exist"

Don't be like a mouse going through a maze, and going nowhere...If you think that Yoga is in any way beneficial on a spiritual-level, Then you are unfortunately misguided. The majority of the time, Yoga and Traditional Asian Martial Arts, Are nothing more than Cults ( eg. OSHO )

Yoga and The Cult of Osho | Many Toxic Cults Are Yoga-Based | Do Your Homework

If you do your homework on this subject, You will discover that there were ( and still are ) Many Toxic, Horrific Cults that are YOGA-based, and YOGA Meditation-based. If you are trying to use Yoga and Yoga Meditation for so-called spiritual benefits, spiritual enlightenment…You are going down the wrong path !!!You are wasting your time, money, energy…and possibly your soul with something that is complete NONSENSE at the very least. Practicing Yoga and Yoga-based Meditation, OSHO’s cult tried to preach a pretense of Spiritual-related Nonsense, While OSHO himself was sucking people dry of $millions ( $200 Million actually ), drug use, while people are starving around the world, OSHO had 93 Rolls Royce cars, $40K Rolex watch…whether they were gifts or not, it is materialism at it’s worse, It was a sex cult, and some members were selling drugs and involved in prostitution so that they could afford to stay in his “armed compound”…This was nothing but the blind leading the blind. Anything that is Yoga-based or Yoga-based meditation for so-called spiritual enlightenment or any other spiritual benefit, is complete BS.

In many Yoga cults, this figure may be an ordinary person with an extraordinary ability to command the attention and obedience of a relatively small and obedient group of impressionable followers.

But some cult leaders enjoy an additional layer of legitimacy. They are ordained religious figures with a recognized mantle of spiritual leadership. In effect, they have a mandate to rule – in theory, benignly – over those in their charge.  That official mandate may allow them to attract an unusually large flock of followers – many of them well-educated and socially influential – who are eager to receive spiritual guidance or merely bask in their leader’s presence.

Yoga cults tend to fit this pattern.  Each has at its top a charismatic “guru” steeped in Eastern mysticism. Many – but not all – of these guru figures represent ancient and highly esoteric lineages of yoga practice rooted in different currents and interpretations of Hinduism (or in some cases, Buddhism).  Many began their “ministry” with followers in their native land, typically India. However, once they began branching out to the Western worlds, their sphere of influence and star status, abetted by celebrity followers, widened considerably. 

Contact Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment Immediately, If You have interest in any of the following topics;

  • Attaining True Spiritual Enlightenment
  • Spiritual BDSM 
  • True Sacred Sexuality ( A World Apart From Anything You Could Ever Imagine )
  • Women’s Metaphysical Reality Based Self-Defense
  • Live in The Master’s Co-Op Community, Arizona
  • Live in The Master’s Co-Op Community, Future Community in Texas
  • Live in The Master’s Co-Op Community, Future Community in The Philippines
  • Financial Investment In Any Project That The Master Is Engaged In. For Additional Information Related To Investments; ( Tumblr Account ) ( Tumblr Account ) True BDSM From The Master Is Not What You Think It Is. ( Tumblr Account )

The Master’s Spiritual Enlightenment Training Also Involves Non-Sexual, Spiritual and Physical Nudity, Submission, and Dance. Exposure to Some of These Topics Are on the following blogs, even though the blogs are not organized and are not on a professional-level.

Do Your Homework on Yoga Cults 

Jul 31, 2020 — Unfortunately, most people have no idea that taking a yoga class could begin a very unhealthy journey into a destructive cult. Remski is ...

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