Wednesday, August 9, 2023

We Have Entered The AGE of DECEPTION, Stop Listening to The Lies


What does "it's a woman's prerogative to change her mind" mean?

Women often pride themselves on their ability (or prerogative) to change their mind time and time again because... well, they're a woman. However changing your mind isn't always a good thing to be proud of, or to do. It is NOT in the female mind and DNA to come to logical conclusions...Therefore, They change their mind over and over again.

Contrary to what the government is trying to cram down our throats and their obvious brainwashing techniques, about the so-called "inequality between the sexes" ...Most ( non-delusional ) women are NOT looking for a relationship with a man who is an "equal" , What They REALLY want is a LEADER , protector and provider. The last thing in the world that they want is an equal. Unfortunately, Real Men who know how to LEAD, are few and far between. When there is a void in the natural roles in a relationship, Many women will fill that void out of necessity, But deep down, They do NOT want the LEADER Role. Come on, Let's get real, and stop listening to this Politically-correct Nonsense.

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