Monday, August 21, 2023

Transfer of The Enlightened Master Information

Society Might Put a "Big Deal" Status on a Woman Being Topless, But it is Not a Big Deal, and to Have Your Personality Revolve Around Your Breasts is Ludicrous. Bring Something of Real Value to The Table. In American Society, Being a Minor With Large Breasts is Not a Blessing, You Will Definitely Receive The WRONG Attention...

Most Women Innately Have a Desire to Find a Partner Who is a Leader. The last thing
in the world that they really want is "Equality" in a relationship, and this is Contrary to what the government is trying to cram down our throats...

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The Opportunity That Stands Before You Is Either Saneiv's Enlightenment or Spiritual Death

Please do NOT listen to anyone who gives you advice on "how to find an enlightened master"...This is a ludicrous concept, to find ...