Thursday, August 24, 2023

Members and #Investors For #Polyamory #Spiritual #Enlightenment #Commune

 Solus Dominus, The Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Will teach you Polyamory so that you can apply it in your life, But it is a Contrarian definition.                      It is not Polygamy, It is not sleeping three to a bed...or a never ending orgy. Polyamory   doesn't even need to be related to sexual activity at all. 

If you do a Google Image search for "Polyamory" , the government and corporate agenda, "politically correct" nonsense...unfortunately controls the search results that you receive.     The vast majority of results that you get, are the exact opposite of what traditional Polyamory or Polygamy relationships have been in the last 2,000 years...The Propaganda Machine is alive and well. What comes up is 2 Males / 1 Female, 3 Males / 2 females, 3 Female relationship, 3 gay male relationship...almost every combination, with very few images of the most obvious multi-partner relationship of 1 Man ( head of household ) with 2+ Women

   This image is not The Master's definition of Polyamory

Since polygamy is illegal in many countries, people who wish to practice polygamy opt-out of getting married in a traditional setting and choose a casual arrangement.


Polygyny is the specific form of polygamy where a man marries multiple wives. This term is most commonly used interchangeably with polygamy because it’s the most common form of the concept. 

Polyandry ( Where a woman has multiple husbands ) This is Not Natural, and has no part in The Master's Co-Op Community. 

Polyamory ( Study The Master's Definition )

Polygamy is often confused with polyamory, which is a more acceptable and legal way to be in a relationship with multiple partners in the world today.

Polyamory is a type of relationship where a person has multiple partners. All partners typically know of each other and are aware that they are in a polyamorous relationship.

For a healthy Polyamorous relationship to work, all partners need to be open and honest with each other. 

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