Thursday, June 15, 2023

The Female is Natural Art That Will Assist You in Your Spiritual Journey

 This is a beautiful woman, and The Master can teach you to transition from the 

physical-realm to the spiritual-realm and spiritual enlightenment.

Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. Sometimes... I make a joke for the ignorant that go "all in" and label everything that they don't understand as a "cult" ...Unfortunately, they do not realize that they are staring True Spiritual Enlightenment in the face, When they become a follower of Solus Dominus...Earth Life and Eternal; Love, Happiness, Fulfillment, You will never doubt your Life Purpose is. You can come and go as you please. You can talk to whoever you want to...But you cannot do whatever you want, and if Master allowed you to "do whatever you want", Then that would not be Love. Solus Dominus is Latin for "One Master"...There is ONE Master, and the concept of "many masters" is Ludicrous, and is nothing but the blind leading the blind. What is being taught as "Spiritual BDSM" is also Ludicrous. What you do not understand does not reduce or eliminate what is Fact and Truth. Solus Dominus speaks with Spiritual Authority. If you want to fill the void that is in your heart, and in every heart on Earth, Solus Dominus is the answer. Solus Dominus is seeking followers who know deep inside their Destiny is far beyond their current existence, "There has to be more to life"...There is, But if you cannot be in submission to Solus Dominus, You will never experience your TRUE Destiny and Life Purpose. There is a Spiritual Vortex in Arizona, But it not in Sedona ( which is the so-called "enightenment" capital of the United States, But I will repeat the statement, It is nothing more than the "blind leading the blind" and a "new age melting pot" tourist trap...The Revelation of True Enlightenment of Solus Dominus happened at sites in Arizona , and students / followers will accompany Solus Dominus to these locations.

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True Spiritual Enlightenment Japan | Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu

  世界と日本国民にとって唯一の真の悟りを開いた精神的指導者、サネイブ Sekai to nihonkokumin ni totte yuiitsu no shin no satori o aita seishin-teki shidō-sha, saneibu ________...