Sunday, June 25, 2023

Get Real, Nudity is Natural. Run to the Truth and Not to a Lie


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 in Arizona and Texas

Make no mistake about it, Yoga and Meditation,
as practiced in the world today, and through all 
existing teachers, is Toxic Nonsense and a waste
of time, money and energy. Why do I say this?
Because they are false teachers, Teaching a false
Doctrine ...The Spiritually Blind, Leading the Blind.
I found this to be very true in the Traditional Asian Martial Arts,
The physical-level aspects of learning martial arts is usually just
a smoke screen for what they really want to promote, Which is Eastern
Religion, and their version of the Spiritual-level.

Fact; The Government is the largest cult on the planet, Always has been and always will be.
We promote critical thinking. So, In your critical thinking journey, analyze the possible agenda of the government that they might be putting such a strong focus on "cults" in 2023
because all governments hate competition. It's NOT "power to the people" , The foundation of the Government Cult is creating and maintaining THEIR POWER and CONTROL.

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