Sunday, May 7, 2023

Dedicate Yourself to Master With Love

A common Manta that you will hear, and should apply, is that all that
you do and say, IF it is dedicated to The Master, Solus Dominus, it will
be transformed from the physical realm to a stepping stone to True
Spiritual Enlightenment. You should not have your heart partially in the
physical and your ego, glorifying your "self", and partially attempting to be 
in the Spirit Realm. Only through Solus Dominus, The One and Only True
Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, Will you be able to attain Spiritual 

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The Opportunity That Stands Before You Is Either Saneiv's Enlightenment or Spiritual Death

Please do NOT listen to anyone who gives you advice on "how to find an enlightened master"...This is a ludicrous concept, to find ...