Sunday, May 7, 2023

Reasons Why You Must Live With The Master in His Co-op Community

 Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment Training Center, and Commune / Co-op Community. The Master is a Contrarian. If you are looking for the typical "cookie cutter" so-called guru or shaman, Then you are at the wrong path to the wrong destination. Every so-called "Spiritual Master" that exists, is nothing but the "blind leading the blind"...If you are seeking the True Light from the True Master, then you have taken the first step on the Right Path to the Right Destination, If you are predestined to be one of the Few who are "The Chosen", Then you will be trained to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment, With the ability to ( Spiritually ) Time Travel @ the Speed of Thought, to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. 

I do not endorse Teal Swan, nor criticize her. She is a very beautiful
woman, and a very good public speaker. 

The focus of The Master's commune / co-op community will be to promote and build the community in the United States, and also a future project in the Philippines. ( and possibly in other countries, depending on necessary funding to be able to implement these projects. ) There are two very important reasons why Communal Living with The Master will be mandatory; 1) For survival in the United States, and basically any other area in the world, because of very severe persecution and control by the government, and more specifically, the world government. All of this is forming right before our eyes, if your physical and spiritual eyes are open. And one of the biggest signs that global slavery is right around the corner, is the forming of the global "cashless society", several countries are already ( technically ) cashless, or strongly in the process of being cashless, and they are very determined to implement this insanity worldwide. To the government and world bankers, the "global elite" it's not insanity, to them it represents the ultimate power and control over their citizens. The goal of the global elite ( and remember, these are the same people pushing that everyone is "equal" and "inclusion" ...when in fact, a cashless society is the ultimate enemy of inclusion. In the very near future, you will be forced to have a bank account on a global level, and millions of people have no bank account because they are ALREADY cashless due to poverty. "You can deny reality, But you cannot deny the consequences of reality" When all of your financial assets are only numbers on a computer screen, with no actual "Hard Assets" to back it up, disagree with the political policies of the government and now it will be extremely easy for them to prevent you from being able to buy or sell...Whether you believe the (Christian ) Bible or not, the global cashless society was predicted in the Bible 2,000 years ago, and up until the last 50 years or less, people could not comprehend how it would be possible to number everyone in the world, and have a system that would prevent some people from being able to buy or 2023, it's common knowledge how easy it would be to control the general population through computers, AI, "Social Security" Numbers, and the Global Banking System. One of the things that is necessary for the really bad things to be implemented on a global level, is to temporarily collapse the world economy, and more specifically collapse the American economy, and fill that void with the "New World Order" ...Here is the part of the Bible Prophecy related to being assigned a global number and not being able to buy or sell. Revelation 13:16-18 "He ( the Beast, who Satan sends upon the Earth, will be a human male, an extremely Charismatic political leader ), causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666." Are you open to a vast expansion of your creative powers, and open to the Truth that your imagination is capable Travel @ The Speed of Thought to Infinite Spiritual Dimensions. You need To Give Your Consent For The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and True Spiritual BDSM to Train, Collar and ( Consensual ) Own / Lead You. Only Then, Will You Be Able to Attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. As The Master is, So Shall You Be. In Faith, ( and Faith means that you choose to believe, even though you cannot "see" physical evidence of this Truth...You Need to Step Forward and Submit to The Master. I had you read to the bottom of this message, to see the 2nd reason for joining the Master's co-op community; and this reason is the most important ( by far ), If you are among the Chosen by The Master, You will be taught to attain True Spiritual Enlightenment. Your physical body is the "tent" that through your lifetime on Earth, contains your Spirit, which is True Reality. You can attain a Spiritual-level where, even though you are in a physical "container" , you cannot be contained because you now reside in True Reality. You must eliminate ego and ( potential ) Spiritual pride, Because if you respond to the Master, when He alone commands that you are one of the Chosen...Then Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, will give you the key to open all Universes and Spiritual Dimensions, Which are Infinite.

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