Monday, April 3, 2023

The Truth About Polyamory

Contrary to the Teal Swan organization, This blog needs a lot of help, a work in progress. Let me state from the very beginning that I believe that Teal is not on a higher level of Intelligence or Enlightenment than Solus Dominus.
There is no doubt that Teal is an excellent public speaker, very articulate related to the information that she is teaching. She is obviously a very physically beautiful woman. I know for a fact that I would enjoy being about her, because she is very
intriguing. To most people it sounds like a paradox, But I would enjoy training her
in Spiritual BDSM.

In this video, Teal gives an excellent presentation related to areas under the umbrella of Polyamory.
As usual , Teal is very articulate. Teal is a very professional and excellent public speaker.
Contrary to Teal, Who has thousands of followers, I can count my followers on one hand.
Solus Dominus leads a Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM co-op community in Arizona.
Polyamory and some of the basic myths...The number 1 myth is that it is ( almost always ) based on a sexual dynamic. ( a mini-orgy every night, or each female has
their "sex night" , like in the "Big Love" TV series, which was a Polygamous dynamic. Currently, Polygamy is illegal and usually involves the females producing
children. Polygamy and children are not allowed in our co-op community.
The same myth that the "vanilla" world believes about BDSM, and even Spiritual BDSM( that it is "all about sex"...which is not true if it is real BDSM. If it is "vanilla" males hanging out on a Fetish social site just to "get laid" , and know nothing about BDSM , and worse yet, Don't want to learn anything about BDSM. Solus Dominus does not endorse Vanilla-ism...

Solus Dominus is a contrarian who believes that the True Message is more
important being a leader with Charisma, Money, Sex Appeal, ( and we can never
downplay the magnetic draw of seeing a group that already has a lot of members,
after all, how could all these members / followers be wrong ? It's the snowball effect, It might take years to get 20 followers, and later you might add 20 or more followers in a month.

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