Saturday, March 25, 2023

Walking or Swimming in the Nude is Not Sex


One thing that you need to know, and memorize is that Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, is Contrary to all of the "cookie cutter" new age spirituality nonsense that is being promoted in the world today. If you are looking for a guru or a so-called enlightened master from India...then you will be very disappointed when you meet THIS Master. Sorry to burst your bubble, but the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Master does not have a passport from India. You are likely to find me on a Harley-Davidson or pumping iron at the gym. What you won't find me doing is sitting in a yoga lotus position in my orange robe with beads around my neck, or having a photo shoot with a goofy smile on my face ( which is supposed to show their inner peace, happiness, etc. ),       But the number one Red Flag of these jokers is that they preach and profess a Spiritual       life, But the reality of their life ( if you opened your eyes ), is that they embrace a lifestyle of sex and money, sex and money, sex and a female the ability to experience freedom through nudity, and living in a "clothing optional" community, is NOT SEX. Sex is sexual intercourse and /or oral sex, period...Sex is not walking or dancing without clothes, Break the Master stereotypes. THIS Master makes NO PRETENSE of PIETY. ( The appearance of being spiritual or religious ). THIS Master makes no pretense of piety, Therefore there is no hypocrisy. You have found the One True Master who is straight-forward, honest, with no hidden agenda. People are looking for a leader who has no hidden agenda and actually tells the truth 100% of the time. Sometimes the truth will "offend" you, But you will always be told the truth. 

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Anyone Should RECRUIT if They Want The Best People ( and by Best, we mean the Most Compatible )
If anyone tells you that you that it's a bad thing to RECRUIT if you want the best person or the best people...they are either a liar and/or a moron or just full of shit and have no idea what they are talking about. RECRUITING is not some special Privilege of corporate America, the military, or sports teams.
SOLUS DOMINUS , The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment and Spiritual BDSM recruits...and it will be repeated, RECRUITS !!! , Because we are seeking THE BEST LIKE-MINDED INDIVIDUALS. We do not accept everyone that contacts us, or steps through the front door...and by having the bar set high, This seems to really piss off the Sheeple...

The short leash has nothing to do with a lack of trust, it has everything to do with Master's need for domination and control. As long as the focus is on the honor, respect, and worship of Master Solus Dominus, You are free to do what you want to do. You will get all the LOVE and ATTENTION that you can handle. You will NEVER be alone, abandoned, rejected or unloved. All the negative will be replaced  by a positive, alternative family...Love, Attention, Happiness, Peace, Physical and Financial Security, Stability, Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment, Knowing your life purpose, and many more positive elements and benefits in your life.

Big changes are coming. Don't get left behind. I guarantee that you won't like the consequences of not joining our commune. So, Grab a big cup of strong coffee and start reading...
It is time to bring in 2 additional females in our Co-op Community ( commune ) female submissive / (consensual ) service-orientated women. The # 2 and # 3 future female does not mean lower status in the relationship or in our community.

How do I define asexual polyamory ? Not exclusively asexual , But to the vanilla world, The Master's definition of asexual polyamory means that we practice "deviant" sexuality. Nothing illegal, Everyone is 18+, But when sexual practices in the commune are founded more on BDSM practices than vanilla sexual intercourse , It will usually be labeled Deviant Sexuality. Regardless if you have previous experience, or
absolutely no BDSM experience, You will be trained directly by Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, and Spiritual BDSM.

List of Goals, and Master's goals and projects take priority over any goal and /or project that ANY female ( or male ) might have. Priority over, But not Excluding the goals of a female. The Right female # 2 and the Right female # 3...Master and the 3 chosen females will be the 4 pillars of the foundation, The Inner Circle. Currently there is one female. 

"Vanilla-ism is raising it's ugly head, more and my opinion, Definitely NOT
a good sign of the times.

Join The Master's Commune ! Solus Dominus will lead and you will follow. There is a contradiction in terms and application with most people who make inquiries for training.
When I say "You will Follow", This is a Literal Command, Not a "suggestion"...Anything short of TAKING ACTION on your part ( starting to make plans for relocation and moving into the residence of Master, or offering suitable living arrangements for Master to relocate to your area ), Ignoring this command is unacceptable, and shows that you are in Spiritual Rebellion ( not exactly a valuable trait for a trainee )

Sometimes I use the label "cult" for shock value, This is for all of the assholes who think they can judge you 5 minutes after they meet you. So, come join Master's CULT !
Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, and Spiritual BDSM...If you have the personality, positive attitude and motivation to live in, and help develop a great co-op community, Then we should talk.
Have you been looking for True Love, Peace, Security, Family the way that it should be, and a Master and Daddy Dominant  who will provide all of this for you ( and more )...
The number one reason why you should know that this is NOT a cult, is that all of these so-called leaders of communes, cults, etc. all claimed they were so intelligent, When in reality, they were idiots...Why would someone start a "group" with the same outcome to all of them being; DEATH or PRISON...Or the third option is that THEY GET DEPORTED BACK TO INDIA and THEN THEY DIE...They only got away with their bullshit for awhile, because they were nothing but the "blind leading the blind"...
I'm a Contrarian Leader...If you are looking for a "cookie cutter" so-called "guru" or "master" from India, or a preacher like Jim Jones or David Koresh, etc ... Claiming to be enlightened on a spiritual level, when actually their lives revolve around sex and money, and more sex and money...This should be an obvious sign that your leader is full of shit...
A commune is just a larger version of the traditional family unit...cooperation is mandatory, Therefore it is more accurate to us the term Co-op Community.

The Master, Solus Dominus, will be purchasing 25 acres in Texas ( investors welcome ), for the future Spiritual BDSM / Spiritual Enlightenment Commune co-op community, a Spiritual Colony. For now, The Master will still be in Arizona. There will always be a connection to Arizona because there are 2 Spiritual Vortex in Arizona ( and they are NOT in Sedona, Arizona...Which is the "New Age Capitol of America", The New Age Tourist Trap.

There are multiple projects that need to be launched in 2023...Message The Master directly.

  1. Spiritual BDSM Master...Spiritual BDSM through Solus Dominus is NOTHING like what is being passed off as "spiritual bdsm" currently. The message and The Master cannot be separate topics or focus.
  2. Spiritual Enlightenment through Solus Dominus, The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. The teaching and topic is so vast that it does not give Solus Dominus the deserved Respect, Honor and Worship, If we discuss it in this limited platform.
  3. Expanding the co-op community of Solus Dominus, Which is currently located in Arizona on a very small scale. There are two Vortex sites discovered by Solus Dominus. ( They are not in the Sedona, Arizona "spiritual tourist trap" ), There will always be a connection to the True Vortex sites in Arizona, But additional locations should definitely be explored.

Solus Dominus is the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.            Not "one of " multiple masters, But I speak with the only Spiritual Authority on Earth.  Solus Dominus did not say "the only RELIGIOUS authority" ...Religion is a human creation. The authority of Solus Dominus is the ONLY authority in the Spiritual Realm, Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.
You will never doubt what your Life Purpose is. You can come and go as you please. You can talk to whoever you want to...But you cannot do whatever you want, and if Master allowed you to "do whatever you want", Then that would not be showing Love.
Solus Dominus is Latin for "One Master"...There is ONE Master, and the concept of   "many masters" is Ludicrous, and is nothing but the blind leading the blind.
What is being taught as "Spiritual BDSM" is also Ludicrous. What you do not understand does not reduce or eliminate what is Fact and Truth. Solus Dominus speaks with Spiritual Authority. If you want to fill the void that is in your heart, and in every heart on Earth, Solus Dominus is the answer.
Solus Dominus is seeking followers who know deep inside their Destiny
is far beyond their current existence, "There has to be more to life"...There is, But if you cannot be in submission to Solus Dominus, You will never experience your TRUE Destiny and Life Purpose.
There is a Spiritual Vortex in Arizona, But it not in Sedona ( which is the so-called "enightenment" capital of the United States, But I will repeat the statement, It is nothing more than the "blind leading the blind" and a "new age melting pot" tourist trap...The Revelation of True Enlightenment of Solus Dominus happened at sites in Arizona , and students / followers will accompany Solus Dominus to these locations.

I use the term "Cult" for the ignorant Individuals who are quick to jump on the bandwagon to label everything that they don't agree with, as a "cult"...

I am a "CULT" leader, Co-op Community Director, Dominant Alpha Male Authority, I will lead and you will follow. I also have several other projects that are all connected to "The Cult"...Cult is a relative term. I do not restrict your sleep ( which is a ludicrous cult tactic to numb the minds of their followers ), and/or restricting protein in the diet, etc.etc...Meditation and things like repetitive "spinning in circles dance"...are all mind numbing, brainwashing tactics of false leaders, teachers, so-called guru's or "masters" , who are nothing but the blind leading the blind. I never want to numb your mind, I want to expand your mind and spirit. If you cannot live in a communal environment, Then please do not waste your time or mine, by responding to anything on this account. There is a big difference between "mind numbing tactics, and altering your mind-set. If you have to use mind numbing and brainwashing to get someone to follow you, that means that you have a weak message, and a weak leader

Seeking Literal, Yet consensual, submissive female only. Must be very interested in being trained by the RIGHT Master. If you are not in a position where you are able to relocate to where Master resides, and that includes having the financial ability to relocate and support yourself during training.

Here are the recent results of my "Personality Test"

  1. Advocates are quiet visionaries, often serving as inspiring and tireless idealists.
  2. 68% Intuitive
    Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded, and curious. They value originality and focus on hidden meanings and distant possibilities.
  3. 51% Feeling
    THINKING 49%
    Feeling individuals value emotional expression and sensitivity. They place a lot of importance on empathy, social harmony, and cooperation.
    Advocates (INFJs) may be the rarest personality type of all, but they certainly leave their mark on the world. Idealistic and principled, they aren’t content to coast through life – they want to stand up and make a difference. For Advocate personalities, success doesn’t come from money or status but from seeking fulfillment, helping others, and being a force for good in the world.

While they have lofty goals and ambitions, Advocates shouldn’t be mistaken for idle dreamers. People with this personality type care about integrity, and they’re rarely satisfied until they’ve done what they know to be right. Conscientious to the core, they move through life with a clear sense of their values, and they aim never to lose sight of what truly matters – not according to other people or society at large, but according to their own wisdom and intuition.

Advocate (INFJ) personality
Seeking Purpose
Perhaps because their personality type is so uncommon, Advocates tend to carry around a sense – whether conscious or not – of being different from most people. With their rich inner lives and their deep, abiding desire to find their life purpose, they don’t always fit in with those around them. This isn’t to say that Advocates can’t enjoy social acceptance or close relationships – only that they sometimes feel misunderstood or at odds with the world.

Fortunately, this sense of being out of step doesn’t diminish Advocates’ commitment to making the world a better place. Advocates are troubled by injustice, and they typically care more about altruism than personal gain. They often feel called to use their strengths – including creativity, imagination, and sensitivity – to uplift others and spread compassion.

Nothing lights up Advocates like changing someone else’s life for the better.
Many Advocates see helping others as their mission in life, and they’re always looking for ways to step in and speak up for what is right. People with this personality type also aspire to fix society’s deeper problems, in the hope that unfairness and hardship can become things of the past. At times, however, Advocates may focus so intently on their ideals that they don’t take adequate care of themselves – a pattern that can lead to stress and burnout.

Connecting with Others (and Themselves)
Advocates may be Introverted, but they value deep, authentic relationships with others. Few things bring these personalities as much joy as truly knowing another person – and being known in return. Advocates enjoy meaningful conversations far more than small talk, and they tend to communicate in a way that is warm and sensitive. This emotional honesty and insight can make a powerful impression on the people around them.

A few close relationships, provided that they’re genuine, can fill Advocates’ hearts to the brim.
Thoughtful and compassionate, Advocates pour a great deal of energy and care into their relationships. This doesn’t mean that they always feel appreciated in return. Advocates tend to act with great thought and care, and it can frustrate them when other people don’t recognize their good intentions. As a result, even constructive criticism may feel incredibly personal or hurtful to these personalities.

A Personal Mission
Many Advocates feel that their life has a unique purpose – a mission that they were put onto this earth to fulfill. For people with this personality type, one of the most rewarding aspects of life is seeking out this purpose – and then, once they’ve found it, striving to do it justice.

When Advocates encounter inequity or unfairness, they rarely give up – instead, they consult their intuition and their compassion to find a solution. With their innate ability to balance the heart with the head, Advocates are hardwired to right the wrongs of the world, no matter how big or small. These personalities just need to remember that while they’re busy taking care of everyone else, they need to pause sometimes and take care of themselves as well.

The female form can be the ultimate, natural expression of Art on the Earth. 

Whatever things are beautiful and true, Meditate on these things, which can range

from the female form, to Time Travel @ the Speed of Thought and Infinite Spiritual Dimensions.

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