Thursday, February 9, 2023

If You Are Training to Use Boxing If Attacked Unarmed

 The biggest mistake that most people make when training with a heavy bag, is being complacent , and not treating the bag as an opponent who has arms, and will be moving and hits back. 

Common Sense ( oh no, not common sense ), should tell you that if you are sparring full-contact in a boxing gym, You need to use clean techniques and no Fouls, These "Fouls" are Techniques that would be  illegal in sport boxing.
But in the street, someone starts swinging on you with bare fists, Then you want to
use the opposite of being clean and legal. If a technique is a Foul , there's a good reason
for it. These "dirty" techniques are more apt to cause injury, which is usually the goal
in a street fight. "Take the fight out of them as quickly as possible" all times be
ready for anything, including a take down. 

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