Saturday, January 21, 2023

The True Spiritual Master - Prophet Appreciates This Type of Dance

If people just watch and read, with making even a $1-$2 donation, It is a form of Spiritual theft. If you truly do not have even $1 ( which is highly unlikely, But possible, Then don't worry about it )
PayPal @TheLordMaster

CULT is a four letter word. I am a Contrarian, so labels are of no consequence. It is better to be extremely honest and straight-forward, no hidden agenda filtering anything that I say. In a way, I do lead a Cult. But the lie would be that I am leading a "community co-op hippie commune, When in fact, I had another agenda, that would be living a lie, and promoting a lie. Make no mistake about it, I am an Authoritarian Leader. Rather than being intrigued and highly interested that FINALLY there is a Spiritual Master on Earth that can lead the way to True Spiritual Enlightenment, Happiness, Love, Fulfillment, and a Life Purpose much bigger than yourself, and you are somehow turned off by " an Authority Leader, Then so be it. Most people say that they seek Truth, and Honesty, But when it is staring them in the face, They turn and run from it. Don't be that person.
Join my co-op community. Do you know what separates a cult from a co-op. According to some,
my co-op would be described as a "cult", Why ? Because I am an authoritarian leader, and I promote
an environment of peace, love, and enlightenment, along with communal protocol and principles. But you will never
be restricted from leaving and visiting family and friends, you will never be completely isolated. Contact Master
directly for additional details;
Seeking volunteers 1) to create a more professional website, than my current blog,
2) In the Apache Junction / East Mesa, Arizona area, live-in or live-out, General Cleaning and Organizing
3) Create your own social media platform to promote the teachings and opportunities of the One and Only
True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

The True Gnostic Master Has Been Found and It is The Connection to True Spiritual BDSM. I have attended the Harvard School of Divinity ( The Real Harvard ), and I also have a mail order ordination from "Universal Life Church" , and other than a "pretense of piety", It doesn't really matter about the paper credentials. Gnosis is "Knowledge of Spiritual Mysteries", and to say that I have knowledge of spiritual mysteries, is an extreme understatement. 
For the right student, I will teach Supernatural self-defense, because the true reality is on a spiritual-level, and the Illusion of Reality is on the material , physical-level.

I think that you already know that a Great Commune Co-Op community, Can Be
Anywhere, Including The Beach. It is the Communal and Alternative Family Mind-Set of the Members, Not a piece of Property.The One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment.

The co-op community starts in 2023, but training is available now...8 steps to
Heaven guaranteed !!! infinite spiritual dimensions, spiritual travel @ the speed
of light. Many are called, but few are chosen...There is no doubt that Solus Dominus and the Freedom Commune will expand, but the question is, where will you be ?

Be very careful of New Age Gurus...Seeking Money, Money, Money and Everything that is actually on a PHYSICAL-level, while at the same time they are trying to promote to their followers that they know "the secret" to all things Spiritual; Enlightenment, Spiritual Awakening, New Thought,'s a New Age melting pot, Everyone and their cousin is Prophet, Guru, Shaman, Master, etc.etc. When in reality, none of them are any of those things. It is the "spiritual blind leading the blind"...

There are people who are supposedly spiritual gurus ( key word "spiritual" ), but they seek after lavish, extremely expensive Material Things, not to mention running sex cults.

Can't have both, you are either in the Material or the Spiritual ( and Spiritual does not mean to Act Pious, to Act "Holy" while at the same time, they have a much different agenda ). Nudity has nothing to do with a "sex cult"...The material world or realm is inherently evil,
ALL Evil is contained in, and exists in Matter ( the Physical-level ) Therefore the ego          ( physical-level self-centered motivations and agendas, must be eliminated in the human form. You must learn from the One and Only Master of Spiritual Enlightenment, How to transition to being a Spirit Human, At Will. 

What is gnosticism in layman's terms?
Gnos·​ti·​cism ˈ( nä-stə-ˌsi-zəm.) The thought and practice especially of various
cults of late pre-Christian and early Christian centuries distinguished by the
conviction that matter is evil and that emancipation comes through gnosis.
Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas and systems which coalesced in
the late 1st century AD...These various groups emphasized personal spiritual
knowledge above the orthodox teachings, traditions, and authority of
religious institutions...
Master Solus Dominus teaches that ALL evil is contained in, and exists ONLY in  MATTER. If you want to learn the true and deep implications of this simple fact, Message Master directly.

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