Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Echo Yue! Maybe Asian Marital Art, But Not Martial Arts

                                             Spiritual BDSM and Spiritual Community

I am also seeking a “successor to the throne” ( what throne ? )
The successor, basically to everything that I know about self-defense and
knife-defense, fitness, weight-training, and many more topics. If the prospect
successor has a strong interest in the supernatural, then I will also include that
area of my training.
When was the last time you tested your determination? You will never know what
you will do in a certain situation. The same is true of your opponent, no matter
how confident he appears. Many who thought that they were the worlds deadliest
man” laid down when faced with truth adversity!
Mental ( mind-set ) is a huge aspect of knife-defense, and this brief paragraph
doesn't even start
to cover the topic.
It is a very advanced aspect of the comprehensive training that I offer, and it
comes with the label of Super Natural Self-Defense. Don't pass over this last
statement, Super Natural Self-Defense can mean the difference between life and
death, and it can also affect your afterlife.
Most people are intimidated if they are confronted when they're alone. Remember,
the first characteristic of a punk is the need for friends to back him up. Certain
groups are notorious for this weakness. The second characteristic of a punk is
seeing how far he can push you without any real intention of going one-on-one
with you, i.e., Seeing what he can get away with. The third characteristic of a punk
is , “conversation” after he realizes that he has bitten more than he can chew.

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