Sunday, January 29, 2023

Breaking every common-sense self-defense technique and principle known to mankind !!!

 If you are a female (or a male ), and you spend your time and energy practicing ludicrous crap like the photo below, It's nonsense and it will get you injured or killed in a violent attack. Every single aspect about what this woman is doing is breaking every common-sense self-defense technique and principle known to mankind !!! 

For the last decade, females in America, have to worry as much or more about getting into a violent altercation with another female, as they do with males. 

 I was talking with a woman recently and she told me that when he boyfriend decided he was going to break up with her, He didn't say anything to her, or just walk away from the relationship. No, He got his new girlfriend to come over and beat the shit out of her. And I mean a bad beating, from a very strong and violent woman. The woman I talked to, had 5 teeth knocked out, and somehow 2 of the teeth had to be surgically removed from the roof of her mouth. 

Last year I had a woman physically come at me, Because a female friend of mine threatened to throw this girl's clothes into a dumpster because she wouldn't come over and pick up her clothes. This woman was my height, and was in shape and strong and was still on parole from prison ( and really didn't care if she was making a scene or not ), Anyways, I had a split second to decide if I was going to punch her in the face to stop her or not punch her. All I could see in that split second was the back of her head hitting the asphalt of the parking lot. See, Perfect example, There is no perfect defense, or reaction to an attack, or really serious potential attack. I also had no idea what the guy in the car had in mind, who drove her to where I was at, He stopped the car and she jumped out and went towards me. Indecision about the proper reaction can be very dangerous, or it can also start a very big mess that land you in jail, or the other person in the hospital. No matter how you try to explain the circumstances, Hitting a woman full-power in the face doesn't usually work out too well for the male. 

Back to my book;

If you need to make a point or verbal threat with any problem person, State your

position calmly,quietly,and directly. Portraying yourself as a seemingly confident

person with wide eyes and quiet voice will make him think that you are very

“intense.” Some situations will require a more forceful statement and or action. If

this occurs, try to engage in confrontation on your own terms, such as time,

location,or circumstances. Most violent situations are not “blitz”attacks. They are

more likely to be borderline cases that escalate to violent encounters, without

clear-ct provocation on your part. If you have no fear of legal consequences, e.g,

“doing time” then justification of your subsequent actions will not be a factor.


Every intelligent person instinctively experience fear. You must learn to control

that fear. Adrenalin can be a positive or negative factor,depending on the

individual. Do not let anyone convince you that Adrenalin is always a positive

experience. Two areas that can not be taught through a book,video or even

qualified private instructor are pain control and Adrenalin control .Like most

“feeling,” they can only be personally experienced or altered. Fear of pain and fear

of injury are two of the greatest anxieties of the self-defense student. A large part

of toughness is acknowledging fear but working through it. When you experience

pain of any kind-be it smashing your thumb with a hammer, stubbing your toe, or

being hit in the head with a rock, your first and immediate reaction must be

anger, not submission.

Author Note: I'm still an advocate of Boxing for self-defense. Not only are the techniques effective if someone is intent to square off with you and want to fight you...But exceptional, and effective physical conditioning, knowing what full-contact is all about, foot movement and balance, etc.,etc...

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