Tuesday, January 24, 2023

1 of 38 | There is One True Master With The Knowledge of All Spiritual Mysteries


1 of 38 | There is One True Master With The Knowledge of All Spiritual Mysteries

 1 of 38 | Ancient Mysteries Unveiled in 2023 | Our Foundation of True Spiritual BDSM and Enlightenment.

The True Master will teach a small segment of these
ancient mysteries and power of the Multiverse, at each spiritual meeting.

Ancient Mysteries Of The Universe Unveiled In 2023

The Gnôstic movement began long before the Christian era (what its
original historical impulse was we do not know), and only one aspect of
it, and that from a strictly limited point of view, has been treated by
ecclesiastical historians. Recent investigations have challenged the
traditional outlook and the traditional conclusions and the traditional
"facts." With some to-day, and with many more to-morrow, the burning
question is, or will be--not how did a peculiarly silly and licentious
heresy rise within the Church--but how did the Church rise out of the
great Gnôstic movement, and how did the dynamic ideas of the Gnôsis
become crystallised into Dogmas? I do not indicate a solution; I do
not express an opinion. I call attention to a fact in the world of
scholarship that will not be without its decided reaction upon the
plain man. But the study of the ancient Gnôsis, and indeed of
mysticism generally, has left another suggestion that seems laden with
limitless possibilities. Let us first go back to what I said as to the
communication of certain "processes," "leavenings," or "energisings"
under a sacramental veil. These processes were held to modify the
nature of the person who submitted to them in a peculiar manner that
was likened to the impress or "character" of a seal upon wax. These
seals or "characters" could not only be acquired through formal rites
and by the laying on of the hands of a master, but also, I am disposed
to believe, by a certain mode of study--I am developing the Gnôstic
theory, not stating one of my own--namely, that of a highly symbolic
literature. The objection of the Gnôstic to a plain statement of facts
would probably be somewhat as follows: "What you say is very good and
true as far as it goes, but it is 'Pistis,' not Gnôsis; Faith, not
Knowledge. You desire to be a changed man. Pistis will change you to
a certain extent. I have nothing to say against it, but it will not
change you in the radical way that Gnôsis does." If you went on to
argue that your statement was reasonable and received admirable support
from logic and philosophy, he would probably reply: "Philosophy of the
kind you mention is excellent, and forms a basis for Gnôsis which is
not contrary to reason, though it is above it. Gnôsis is a rebirth by
which you become a god, and then you will have no need to find out
things by talking and discursive reasoning, for everything will be
within yourself and you will know all things in a vital way, by an act
of simple intuition in the end. 'The wind blows where it listens,
and you hear the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it
comes, and whither it goes; so is every one that is born of the...

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