Sunday, November 13, 2022

Be a Charter Member of the Freedom Commune Co-Op


The Freedom Commune Co-Op will grow in the future, but it is a matter of quality, 
not quantity. When you see something that is very "popular" with the masses, the
general population of the Sheep mind-set, it is undeniable evidence that they are 
going down the wrong path, they are following a lie, the spiritual blind leading the blind.
Perfect example are American "mega-Churches", that have 10,000-30,000+ members of
a single church. And because their foundation of preaching is nothing but a lie and to entertain the flock, they connect with other mega-churches, so they can add to their appearance of "credibility"...There is also proof that because the One and Only True Master 
of Spiritual Enlightenment, Solus Dominus is NOT well-received by the general population,
the masses with their sheep mentality, it is something to embrace and be thankful for. 
The "new age melting pot" ( the spiritually blind leading the blind to their eventual doom ),
says "You" are God manifested in a human body, "You" are the creator and "You" are
creating the creation of "You" on this planet. This is ludicrous and complete nonsense.
To put it bluntly, you are not God and you take a shit in the morning as your "creation"...
If you had any degree of enlightenment and spiritual discernment, "You" would see the
ultimate ego manifestation and physical realm bondage attached to the new age theme statement quoted earlier. 
Only through the teaching and guidance of the One and Only True Master of Spiritual
Enlightenment will you learn how to eliminate the ego ( and it is a constant spiritual
battle, but it can be conquered. )
"Submission Before Any Stage of Spiritual Enlightenment Can Occur" 
" I Make No Pretense of Piety, Because Piety is Bonded to Ego and the Physical Realm"

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