Link to a very good YouTube Video about and some of them carry around loaded weapons in their compound.
Who would that be ?
At the same time, the One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment lives in a single wide mobile home ( and Thankful for it ), sleeping on an air mattress. I'm not trying to Prove anything, I'm just saying that there are options in life.

TV doesn't work, but that's OK.
Air Mattress leaks half the air by the middle of the night, that's also OK.
I haven't taken a "vow of poverty" but if you are looking for the most effective, latest trend, "new and improved" Think and Grow Rich, path to financial prosperity, Law of Attraction to attract MONEY, a big mansion, a fleet of exotic cars, a yacht, etc.etc..then I advise that you look elsewhere, I don't teach that nonsense, because it doesn't exist, at least not how the general population believes it exists.
I know that Christians and Non-Christians flock to Mega churches
because they want the preacher to twist the Bible to suit their wants, and their "want" is to get rich. And, of course the pastor ( the so-called Shepherd gladly does what the Sheep want, not what the Sheep need.
Otherwise, the Sheep would walk out and there would be no MEGA in Mega Church, no huge salary, or any other perks.
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