Saturday, November 19, 2022

Salvation is Not in The Established Church or Ritualistic Religion


It might seem like a paradox, but we will NEVER ask for money, that's the bottom line, but with that being said, we still have to make our needs and wants known, with the focus on the fact that needs need to greatly outweigh wants. Solus Dominus has been called to be in the Philippines. The only question is the length of time. Possibly 6 months to start. The funding to do this project requires necessary financial "fuel" . A 5 year budget would be $450,000, which is very cost-effective, considering that Master will be teaching the 8 Steps to Heaven and allowing the Filipino people True Salvation. Salvation is NOT in the "established church and ritualistic religion"...I am making the needs known, but in no way am I asking any specific person for these funds. ( Instagram ).

I am looking for at least one other person ( male or #female ), to spend at least 6 months out of each year in a very beautiful area of the Philippines. Live in a very nice home on the beach between $400-$600 USD per month. Must have a monthly income of approximately $1,300-$1,500 per month...a steady income is more important than a lump sum in a bank account ( which will not be in a #Philippine bank ). I have my own monthly income, but I need it doubled by teaming up with another person. I will be starting a small Spiritual #Enlightenment Enlightenment Center in the Philippines.

This is basically a repeat of the message above;
 am not going to discuss a lot of details about specific Spiritual Enlightenment training. The focus has to be acquiring an investor for necessary "fuel" ( funding )...$450,000 USD will cover 5 years of operating expenses ( relocation from the USA, start-up, and expenses for 60 months )...I have been called to the Philippines. I am in the process of selling everything I own. I have lived in the Philippines ( specifically Metro Manila ) for 3 years, and among other things I got deathly sick from Amebic Dysentery. I lost 65 lbs. and I was sick for months. 4 decades later I have been called (through the spiritual realm revelation and visions ), to the Philippines to start Solus Dominus Spiritual Enlightenment Center ( and there are other, less important projects...and some of these projects are "income generators" )...I have made a full commitment to the calling/revelation/vision/responsibility "of being" the Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. I need an investor who can also make a commitment /                      ( somewhat )silent partnership. This movement has the possibility to change the world, and will definitely change your life in a positive, current and eternal way.
Learn to know the difference between appropriate group dynamics, and a "pyramid scheme" ...Our co-op communal dynamics will always promote freedom of each individual member, but at the same time, it is not beneficial for members to not live within ( at least minimal ) rules and protocol, without the "established church and/or ritualistic religion" ...                                    Because a group dynamic profile of roles is shaped like a pyramid, does not make it a pyramid scheme. We sell no products. All members are equal and vote. No family or friends will ever be cut off from communicating with you in the co-op. ( unless they pose a danger to you, eg. an abusive person in your life is trying to control you so they can continue to abuse you. 

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