Monday, November 21, 2022

Freedom Co-Op Commune and Additional Details


The paragraph below will give you additional details on Who, What, Why, When, and How ( The "When" is not to put it off what is really important in Your Life and Afterlife. The "How" is connected to your decision to join The Only True Master, submit to his teaching and protocols, and begin your journey on the Only True Path to Spiritual Enlightenment. 

Solus Dominus ( Latin Translation; "One Master" . You have One and Only One Master. If You Do Not Follow the Life Instruction of Solus Dominus, You Are Living in Darkness, and There is No Hope for Spiritual Enlightenment. Your Only Other Options is Following the "Spiritual Blind Leading The Blind", False teachers Who Do Not Know The True Light, Know Nothing of What is Spiritually Attainable Through Infinite Dimensions and Travel @ The Speed of Thought, Connect and Unite with the Infinite and Eternal.

The Freedom co-op commune ( intentional community ), is a "start-up" in physical application, but has been in the planning for 67 years, ( as of the first of the year 2023 ), but in spiritual reality the planning has existed at the same time that anything has existed. 

Freedom Commune is not a "Pyramid Scheme" , the image only shows the obvious growth pattern that will happen in the future. All Full Members vote, and are able to give their opinion on every issue that might possibly arise. Members will have the freedom to work on-site at the co-op, or work off-site ( their choice ). We might not ever be "popular" with the ( sheep ) general public, but that OK. One reason for our possible lack of popularity is that no one will receive preferential treatment, regardless of "financial status", physical beauty, race, gender...

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