Thursday, November 17, 2022

Very Important Information About The Co-Op Commune


Can You  Lead People to The True, and Pure Light ( Provide and Manifest Enlightenment ) ?
Or Do You Want to be Lead to The True, Pure Light ? 100% Consensual, Freedom
Co-Op Communal Living. The Church Commune of the Real World, The Church of
No Pretense of Piety, and Therefore No Hypocrisy. The Church of Truth and No Hidden
Every action within the commune
is voted on between members, and the foundation will always be the Vision and Revelation
Manifested by The One and Only True Master of Spiritual Enlightenment. 
You cannot experience the 1st step of Spiritual Enlightenment journey without first offering your 
physical, emotional and spiritual submission to The Master. No one teaches True Spiritual BDSM 
except Solus Dominus. 

Master of Spiritual Enlightenment ( Solus Dominus )
Master of Spiritual BDSM
BDSM Instructor / Educator / Mentor / Counselor
Master in Martial Arts ( Practical Self-Defense )

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